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This study was made for the product that I am currently working on.

One fellow seller

asked me to help with his listing and currently I am managing the operations of this

The aim was to give traction for the product, start PPCs and get organic rankings.

Before the advertising campaign I have done keyword research and found 1 possible
keyword (coasters for drinks) with 18,000 exact searches/month, and two keywords
(coasters for drinks, drink coasters) with 5,000 exact searches.

Before starting manual campaign in April, I ran auto campaign with high bid for 20 days
in March in order to get some data. Here are the results for the Auto campaign:

From this data we can see that the keywords that I have found are relevant and Auto
campaign showed the product a lot for this keywords. The CTR is quite high 0,45% -
0,50%. The most difficult thing is that product itself is cheap ($16) and average CPC
was $1,50 and it is very hard to have low ACOS in the case.

As data showed, we should have concentrated on the keywords: coasters for drinks,
coasters for drinks absorbent and drink coasters.
The data for the April is decent:

The product listing has now 32 reviews and the average star rating is 4.7. I have set up
1 follow-up email sequence and currently listing get 1-2 reviews each week. During last
month we were able to achieve the 15% conversion rate and the ACOS of 80%. Listing
owner wants to have 50% ACOS so we have the main goal to decrease the cost of sale.

These are the results for the last 7 days of the campaign:

The advertising cost of sale is decreasing however the conversion rate decreased as
well. Both these changes were caused by lowering the bid for the main keywords.
During upcoming month of May we plan to maintain the conversion rate of the April and
lower the ACOS by making our price higher.

Also, it has to be noticed that we have achieved Top 15 ranking for all 3 keywords -
coasters for drinks, coasters for drinks absorbent and drink coasters.

Brand name – Levilia


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