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'Not all Muslims are terrorists': Meet the Edinburgh student who overcame racist

haters. (2018, November 30). Edinburgh Evening News (Edinburgh, Scotland).

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This article elaborates the story of Elaf Hussien who tells us about the challenges
she had to face when she came to Edinburgh from Sudan and how her classmates
and people around her started Islamophobic attacks on her for wearing hijab and
because of her religion (Islam). She further adds that how her classmates were
forcing her to go back home and were taunting her that all Muslims are terrorist and
now why she is persuading young people who face discrimination and racism to join
inclusion groups.This article will be used for my assignment because of the real-life
story of a young girl who faced a lot of difficulties because of society’s negative
approach towards Muslim people and how other young students like her can
overcome this fear of racism and discrimination on basis of their religion. Elaf’s step
of making a short film will boost confidence and self-esteem in students like her and
what schools and local authorities can do to encourage cultural integration and
tackle prejudice.

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