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- Checked all thermostats and found them out of configuration possibly caused to an
- inrush current due to a brown out or power interruption.
- Reconfigured and programmed 5 thermostats, adjusted belt tension on roof top unit 5.
- Tested all heaters in that area, they are all working properly again.
- Around the ductwerr sealed the gape with metal plating to keep somenone for
- Repaired main ducted trunk lane we sealed the duct we properly hunged the duct with the wire
- Repaird the main duct and made stable
- Replaced evatorir fan motor with OEM original equipmente manufetore motor, cjheck system
all satisfactory. We put the bracket with the motor and return the fan blade into is position.
- Purge gas lines, check for gas leaks, reset units, reset thermostahta all satisfactory
- SMS: Change unit heater combustion blower motor for unit heater, for out of balance
- Inspected unit and found overheated evaporator fan motor.

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