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� v1.

0 (2019-01-12)
| First public release.
| Fixed a small bug in the message data.

� v1.0-pre (2019-01)
| Major test in search of bugs.
| Fixed position of Luigi's cap on all capturable objects.
| Replaced Luigi's Balloon World profile icon with Mario.

� Beta 4 (2018-12)
| Fixed and modified costumes.
| Changed the textures for some objects.
| Created custom layout images for minigames and credits.
| Improved the cap position on many objects.
| Finished Mario model for Mario's Balloon World.
| Replaced Luigi's Balloon World voices with Mario's.
| Replaced the textures and layout involving Luigi with Mario.
| Changed the texts referencing Luigi to Mario.

� Beta 3 (2018-09)
| Changed various textures.
| Modified costume models and textures.
| Minor bug fixes.
| Changed texts.

� Beta 2 (2018-08)
| Modified some voices.
| Modified layout colors and textures.
| Minor fixes in various models.

� Beta (2018-07)
| First stable Luigi model.
| Modified textures of various objects.

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