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What Would You Do If You Had A Million

Honestly, I would keep whatever I need for college, some for my family, and give the rest
away to charities and environmental organizations as soon as I could. I've heard too
many lottery failure stories, where the winner has no idea what to do, succumbs to a life
of excess and- boom- bankrupt in a matter of years. Or the people they know start
bugging them for money and they destroy all their relationships and live lavish hermit
lives until they die.

I'd divide it into 5 categories:

~Firstly, buying the book "Tax Evasion for Dummies".
~Then investing some of the money into my new start-up business Hollow Leg Store,
which means a lot to me and I hope develops into something that can make a meaningful
contribution to the world.
~Thirdly, giving to other causes and companies that I respect the morals of and want to
~Fourthly, I would travel. Exploring new spaces and cultures always keeps my
perspective fresh.
~And lastly, I would put the rest away-- you never know when you might need it, and I
tend to squirrel away savings for the unexpected. (and the occasional rainy day)

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