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La cargas de friccion se estima de acuerdo al paper de la AISC Design of Structural Steel Pipe


Pipe friction forces (Ff): These are friction forces on the pipe rack structural members caused by the
sliding of pipes in response to thermal expansion due to the design (operating) temperature of the
pipe. For friction loads on individual structural members, use the larger of 10% of the total piping
weight or 40% of the weight of the largest pipe undergoing thermal movement: 10% of the total
piping weight assumes that the thermal movements on the individual pipes do not occur
simultaneously; 40% of the largest pipe weight assumes steel-on-steel friction.

Carga de viento eje Y sobre las tuberias?

Se estimo la carga de viento de la mayor tuberia y se aplico a la viga longitudinal de la cercha (es
viga tendra viento de ella misma y viento de la tuberia). Se estimo de acuerdo al paper de la AISC
Design of Structural Steel Pipe Racks y ASCE Wind Loads for Petrochemical and Other Industrial

The tributary area for piping should be based on the diameter of the largest pipe, D, plus 10% of
the width of the pipe rack, W. This result is multiplied by the length of the pipes (bent spacing,
L) to determine the tributary area.

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