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Daryl Hannah U.

Lit1 E

Life is Tough and So Am l: The Story of My Life

A baby girl was born not given with looks but with a beautiful and kind heart and
was named Daryl Hannah. Oh well it's me. l was born on January 27, 1997 at
Camp Phillips Memorial Hospital, the second child of three and the only princess
of the family. My father's name is Avelino Acenas Jr. He is currently working at
General Services Cooperative as a haul driver for 6 years. My mother's name is
Estrella U. Acenas. She's a retired employee of Del Monte and is now a
housewife. My eldest brother is Dexter John Acenas who is 7 years ahead of me.
He is an IT graduate and is already married while my youngest brother is James
Patrick Acenas who is a year younger than me. My primary years was full of fun
as kids normally do like playing and having no care in their surroundings. l was
so dependent too in everything l done. A certain person whom l will never forget
took care of me that l already considered her as my second mother and l assume
that my brothers too for she was already working for us the moment my older
brother was born. l call her Auntie Belen. She was always there for us, to cook
our food, wash our clothes, do the chores and etc., like everytime we go to
school, l and my younger brother would wake up and just prepare immediately
ourselves for food is ready and we just have to get ourselves get done. During
that time both my parents are working and left the house early in the morning.
lt really made me sad the day when she decided to left and look for another job.
l was in my 6th grade during that time and it felt very new to me that we have
to do all the things needed to be done by ourselves. As time goes by, we got
used to it and got to adjust of the changes and just have to deal with it. During
my highschool life, of course it would not be avoided to have those crushes and
puppy love. l was in 2nd year when l had my first boyfriend and l got to say that
we lasted for 6 months. l always thought that my mother wouldn't get mad, me
having a boyfrinend at that age but sad to say, she was and worst is, the
moment she knew about it she began to go to school and wait for me up until
my class was done. lt also happened that me and two of my classmates were
called by our teacher and told us that only the three of us were only in the honor
roll. No 1st honor and 2nd honor, only commendable award or with honers. l
was so glad to be one of the awardee. The moment the program was held, my
classmates then begun betting the order of persons in the awarding. l heared
they ranked me last but gladly, l was awarded as the first in the commendable
award. l begun then to disregard my grades and fell at the third spot. That crazy
thing called love distracted me a lot in my studies. To tell you the truth, l even
run away from home because l was so afraid that my mom would lay her hands
on me and got to sleep at my bestfriend's house without telling her parents
about me being there in their house. By the next day, l was sent at the
principal's office together with my mother and my boyfriend to talk about what
happened. With that situation, my boyfriend and l decided to end our
relationship. lt was really painful that by the following day, l could still remember
we encountered each other along the way wherein we just ignored and think of
nothing happened. The moment l got into our classroom, l really cried hard and
hid at the back of the door. There were still certain happenings in which l don't
want to mention for it really aches my heart remembering it. When l was then in
my 3rd year, l got again a boyfriend (lol) and hid everything especially to my
mom for l don't want things to happen again just like my previous relationship
but then l know secrets will always be revealed no matter how much you hid it,
so at the end we still broke up. When l was in my 4th year, l could say that l was
very naughty that time. lt was when we had our graduation practice, we got to
hid along the trees and drank liquor every lunch break but still, l'm thankful for
there was this time that those classmates of mine were caught and gladly, l did
not join to them. I'm proud to say that l graduated having an award and is
ranked as First Honorable Mention no matter how bad l was. As l entered
college, l was still undecided on what course to take. l always wanted to be a
teacher way back when l was in elementary remembering one time that my
teacher praising me in the class having good penmanship (l don't know what
happened now lol, l did tbh depending on my mood) but l was doubting thinking
ahead of those thesis and etc, of how hard would that course is. l also told my
mom l wanted to take Tourism but she told me we can't afford it. l had my
entrance exam at MUST and decided to take SPED. As days goes by, my mom
told me she wanted me to study at BSU in Malaybalay City. l had nothing to do
for she was the one financing my expenses. l was forced to do so and had my
entrance exam not checking if l passed my entrance exam in MUST. Upon
enrolling at BSU, l got no plan on what course to take. I just chose BSBA without
any reason that l loved it or whatever. l only lasted for one semester and
stopped. By the next school year, l decided again to go back and shift to another
course. l took Public Administration and lasted for 3 semesters (2nd year 1st
semester) because l got really low grades. lt was that time that l was really
indulged in having night outs and got to be absent in the class just to sleep. By
the next enrollment, l told my mom that l doesn’t want to study anymore
without her knowing that l really got low grades and would be advised to shift to
another course. l really felt she got disappointed of my decision. I only stayed
home for the rest of the days and never tried to get a job. Until then, my older
brother and her wife's family will be having their overnight at the beach so l, my
mom and younger brother went with them and then l met this someone. We
really didn't get the chance to talk, just stolen glances to each other during the
trip. We arrived at 8 in the morning. By afternoon, l decided to went home to
attend some party with my high school friends. Upon leaving, l saw this
someone sleeping because he was drunk. By the following day, l was shocked as
l checked my facebook account and got a friend request from him. We got to
chat everyday and get in a relationship. We only lasted for a week because
during that time, he got mad hearing that l was with my friends drinking (just at
our house with my parents' consent). We got no closure at all, it was all of a
sudden that we decided not to contact each other. l remembered that was
October 2015. After 3 months, it was January 16, 2016 when my older brother
told me that l will be going with him at Quezon, Bukidnon because he got a lot of
things to bring needed for the birthday and baptism by tomorrow. January 17,
2016, as l was sweeping the floor and went outside, l really did not expect
seeing him around washing his motorcycle. As our eyes met, my heart beat went
fast and l immediately went inside. By lunch, upon eating l saw that he got his
new haircut. He left immediately because he still got some work to do. By
evening, as he arrived he kept on singing on the videoke machine while l am
sitting in the living room. So l opened my facebook account and begun to find
his account and sent a friend request. Seconds later, l received a notification of
my frien request being accepted. After a while, he sent me a message and my
smile could not be hidden while he was singing outside. He then messaged me
that he wanted to talked to me privately so l asked permission to my brother
and he agreed. We then begun to talk a walk going nowhere. At first l was really
shy and was so speechless. Up until he asked me how l was doing and began to
feel comfortable to each other that l even smile just because of the happiness l
was feeling. We really had a long walk and along the way, he begun to asked me
if we could start over again and without further ado, l agreed. We then stopped
at the plaza and talked about ramdom things. After a few minutes, we decided
to get home. We were holding hands while walking that time. Extreme happiness
is what l really felt that time. By the next day, it was time for us to went home
and l bid my goodbye to him. It then followed that almost twice a month l went
with my brother there and got to see gim and bond with him. l would be glad to
say that we are 3 years in relationship and counting. Now, he is at Manila
because ge got his job there and we are 2 years in a long distance relationship.
He went home here last November 2018 just for 10 days. It was just a short
period of time but still thankful l got the chance to spend time with him. Being in
a LDR is really hard but we still try our best to make things work out. l am really
giving my best at school to make my parents proud and him also. One thing l
would share is that it was him who pushed me to study again. To be honest, l
really got no plan to go back to school and just get stucked with my life until l
die but because of him, l am here of where l am now. l am thankful too of my
mom who gave me another chance to study again. I am currently taking up
Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English and with the help of our
Heavenly Father, with the support of my love one and with my determination in
dealing the challenges and trials in life, l will be successful someday. This is not
the end of my story for stories have no endings and l am still along the way.

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