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Occupation: Hand embroidery since 20 years(Working the unit since 4-5

Marital Status: Married
Educational Qualification: Studied uptil 6th standard
Native: Calcutta
1. Where did you work before working in this unit?
I had my own factory in Shahpur Jat.
2. What made you shut down the factory?
It was very difficult to find artisans to work for me. I mostly had to
do all the work by myself so I left it.
3. What embroidery do you do the best?
Aari work. Its very fine kind of thread work on garments.
4. How do you like to work here.
I like working here.
5. How long do you work in a day?
For 8 hours. From 9.30am-6pm.
6. Do you have too much work at times? What do you do then?
Yes. Sometimes the work is a lot so we work overtime and get
paid for it (for every hour Rs. 50 extra).
7. How much do you earn working here?
Everyone here gets paid differently depending on their skills. I get
8. How much did you earn when you had your own factory?
It was never fixed. It changed from time to time.
Occupation: (in this unit since 8 months)
Native: Saket
Married: Single
1. How do you like to work here?
I like it here.
2. Where did you learn this work from?
I learnt it in Noida when I used to work under my brother.
3. How long do you work everyday?
8 hours.
4. How much do you get paid every month?
15000. I get paid for overtime as well(Rs. 60 extra per hour)
5. Do you get any incentives or bonus or different occasions?
6. When do you get holidays?
Only on Sunday,holi,Diwali, eid. We don’t get long holidays to
go meet our family.
Occupation: patternmaking since 8 years(here since 2 and a half
Marital status: Married (with 2 kids)
Educational Qualification: Uneducated
1. Where did you work before this?
I have my own shop in Palam Vihar. Now my dad sits at the
2. How do you like to work here?
3. Where do you eat from?
We usually make our own food. Theres my friend in the other
unit who cooks well, so he cooks sometimes.
4. How much do you earn here?
I get Rs. 20,000 and overtime also at times.
5. How long do you work?
8 hours.
6. How did you learn?
I learnt it from my father.
7. Why did you choose this unit out of all other units in Shahpur
I know the owner madam. Earlier the unit was in Gurgaon so I
knew them from there.
8. Do you have a supervisor here?
No we don’t have a supervisor here. We all help each other and
Name:Firoz Alam
Occupation: Helper since 3 years(here since 2 years)
Native: Kanpur
Marital Status: Married (with 3 kids)
Educational Qualification: High school
1. Where did you work before this?
In Kanpur.
2. Where did you learn this from?
I learnt it from my friend while I was in high school itself.
3. Do you know embroidery?
I don’t know it properly but I help in doin it little bit. I do all
other works around here.
4. How long do you work?
8 hours( I don’t work overtime)
5. Where do you live here?
Shahpur jat itself since 5 years.
6. How much do you earn?
7. Do you like Shahpur Jat?
Very beautiful place. But the jats here are very arrogant.
8. Are the people here nice?
Native people are not very friendly. The outsiders are all like
brothers to us.
9. How are the politicians here? Do they help in any way?
Politicians are fine of this area. What should they help us with
anyways, we are helping them.
10. What happened during MCD sealing here?
We didn’t have any trouble in our unit but had talks about
shifting the unit. But others in the area had problems I heard.
11. Do you like to work here?
Who likes to work but we have to work for our livelihood.

Name: Mohammad Iqbal

Marital Status: Married (with 3 kids)
Native: Bihar
Occupation: Handwork since 16 years(here since 4 months)
1. Where did you work before this?
I was in Mumbai. I worked there for around 12-13 years.
2. Do you like to work here?
I like to work here compared to Mumbai.
3. What all types of work do you do here?
I can do all types of embroidery manually. I cant use the
4. Where did you learn this?
I learnt it in Mumbai from my brothers.
5. How much do you earn?
Rs. 11,000.
6. Are you happy with your salary?
No I am not. I could have earned more in Mumbai but I like delhi.
And I am also new to this unit so it will take time to adjust.

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