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作品為根據德國畫家 Paul Klee (1879-1940)的同名畫作《新天使》(Angelus Novu) 而作。 在音樂的創作上,我以畫中天使的表情、線

條樣貌作為音樂寫作的依據, 怪異與不諧和的聲響,象徵著醜陋、冷酷的天使樣貌。而標題裡“Have a Great Day” 除了具有其諷刺感

之外,開頭四個字的第一個字母:H,A,G,D,做為德國音名剛 好分別是唱名Si, La, Sol, Re,也是我作為這作品開頭的音高素材之一。

另外,在一 片漆黑的舞台上,LED燭燈,演奏者的頭燈,及曲末的近似於儀式般的念誦也為了 本曲營造了近似於蒼白、絕望的氛



This work is based on the painting of the same name by the German painter Paul Klee (1879-1940), "Angelus Novu". In the
creation of music, I use the expressions and lines of angels in the painting as the basis for music writing. The strange and
dissonant sounds symbolize the ugly and cold angelic appearance. In the title "Have a Great Day", in addition to its irony,
the first four letters of the first four words: H, A, G, D, as the German name is just the name of the name Si, La, Sol , Re, is
also one of my high-quality materials at the beginning of this work. In addition, on a dark stage, LED candle lights, the
headlights of the performers, and the ritual-like chanting of Qufu also created a pale, desperate atmosphere for the song.

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