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Use these tables for inspiration or roll them up randomly.

Some of the tables could be

rolled more than once.

d6 Type: This instrument is a/an…

Set of castanets.
Pair of cymbals.
Single-headed drum.
Two-headed drum.
Pair of maracas.
d6 Drumhead material: The drumhead of this instrument is made from...

Bear hide.
Cow hide.
Crocodile hide.
Deer hide.
Sheep hide.
The hide of an unidentifiable beast.
d6 Drum shell material: The drum shell is constructed from…

d6 Drumstick material: The drumstick (or maracas or castanet) are made of…
d6 Decorative image: The instrument is adorned with painted or carved images of…

Beasts (d6): 1. badgers; 2. bears; 3. fish; 4. monkeys; 5. lions; 6. wolves.
Female figures (d6): 1. banshees; 2. elf-maids; 3. mermaids; 4. night hags; 5. orc-
maids; 6. shield maidens.
d6 Special projection: When properly activated, the instruments provides an extra boost
to a bard or war chanter’s...

Military or historical knowledge.

Forced movement effects.
Inspirational music.
Psychic damage.
Thunder damage.
d6 Special property: The musical instrument...

Causes those who hear it to become deafened.

Causes those who hear it to feel an uncontrollable urge to dance.
Fills those who hear it with a feeling of supreme dread.
Allows the player to grant extra movement to an ally.
Allows the player to summon minor devils or angels.
Allows the player to command menial undead.
Activation: The musical instrument’s special projection or special property activates or
amplifies when played…

In the presence of a specific type of enemy (d6): 1. dragons; 2. elves; 3. fiends; 4.

giants; 5. fey; 6. undead.
By a member of a specific race (d6): 1. dwarf; 2. goblinoid; 3. human; 4. lizardfolk; 5.
orc; 6. troll.
On a plane outside the mortal realm (d6): 1. Abyss; 2. Feywild; 3. Nine Hells; 4. Plane of
Battle; 5. Plane of Heroes; 6. Shadowfell.
Before dawn.
At sunset.
d6 Creator: The instrument was made by a/an…

Dwarvish master craftsman.

Unlucky soldier.
Carefree singer.
Elvish prince.
Guardian angel.
Tricky devil.
d6 Past owner: The instrument’s most famous owner was a/an…

Dwarvish battlelord.
Legendary knight.
Orkish warlord.
Iron-fisted lord or lady.
Notorious pirate.
Religious zealot.

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