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Eastern Europe: The Revolutions of 1989 and the Collapse of the Communist Order

1. Why did communism collapse in Poland, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Romania and

Causes? Effects? Similarities? Differences?

2. Why were the attempts for independence successful in 1989, but not in the 50s and 60s?
3. Bosnian War Cause/s Effects? Kosovo?

Western Europe and the Search for Unity

1. What is Helmut Kohl know for?

2. In three sentences, summarize post- Thatcher Britain.
3. In three sentences, summarize France: Right and Left.

The Unification of Europe

1. Goals?
2. Problems?
3. Toward a United Europe
a. 1992 Maastricht Treaty
b. 1994?
c. 2009 Lisbon Treaty

Test Review

Cold War and post war political and economic developments. Causes and effects.

Marshall Plan, Truman Doctrine, containment, détente, Cuban Missile Crisis.

Wars- Korea, Vietnam, Bosnia.

People and their policies and or accomplishments: Truman, Eisenhower, Ford., Reagan, Churchill,
Thatcher, de Gaulle, Mao Tse Tung, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Putin, Adenauer,
Brandt, Kohl.

Social and cultural trends- feminism, abstract art, existentialism, permissive society, student protests,
environmental concerns and green parties.

Compare Eastern and Western Europe in the late 20th century. Trends, unity, economic and political
developments such as EU and Solidarity.

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