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Phytother. Res. 17, 1–18 (2003)

Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/ptr.1280

Plants with Traditional Uses and Activities,
Relevant to the Management of Alzheimer’s
Disease and Other Cognitive Disorders

Melanie-Jayne R. Howes,1 Nicolette S. L. Perry2 and Peter J. Houghton2*

The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB, UK
Department of Pharmacy, King’s College London, Franklin-Wilkins Building, 150 Stamford Street, London SE1 9NN, UK

In traditional practices of medicine, numerous plants have been used to treat cognitive disorders, includ-
ing neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other memory related disorders.
An ethnopharmacological approach has provided leads to identifying potential new drugs from plant
sources, including those for memory disorders. There are numerous drugs available in Western medicine
that have been directly isolated from plants, or are derived from templates of compounds from plant
sources. For example, some alkaloids from plant sources have been investigated for their potential in AD
therapy, and are now in clinical use (e.g. galantamine from Galanthus nivalis L. is used in the United
Kingdom). Various other plant species have shown favourable effects in AD, or pharmacological activi-
ties indicating the potential for use in AD therapy. This article reviews some of the plants and their
active constituents that have been used in traditional medicine, including Ayurvedic, Chinese, European
and Japanese medicine, for their reputed cognitive-enhancing and antidementia effects. Plants and their
constituents with pharmacological activities that may be relevant to the treatment of cognitive disorders,
including enhancement of cholinergic function in the central nervous system, anti-cholinesterase (anti-
ChE), antiinflammatory, antioxidant and oestrogenic effects, are discussed. Copyright # 2003 John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease; dementia; acetylcholinesterase inhibitors; antiinflammatories; antioxidants; nicotine; phyto-
oestrogens; plants.

INTRODUCTION incidence of the disease, or for which a hypothesis has

been put forward based on scientific investigations. It
should be pointed out, however, that none of these
There are numerous causes of dementia, including Lewy theories have been completely accepted since they are
body disease, Pick’s disease, cerebrovascular disease largely based on epidemiological studies and other
and Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the last of which is factors might be responsible for the differences observed.
reported to be the most common form of dementia Nevertheless, these factors have been exploited in the
(Evans et al., 1989; Nordberg, 1996). AD, which is search for drugs to treat AD.
estimated to account for 50%–60% of dementia cases in The pathological features that occur in the central
persons over 65 years of age (Francis et al., 1999), is a nervous system (CNS) in AD are senile plaque and
progressive, neurodegenerative disease that primarily neurofibrillary tangle formation, oxidative and inflam-
affects the elderly population, and is a major public matory processes and neurotransmitter disturbances. A
health concern. consistent neuropathological occurrence associated with
The main symptoms associated with AD involve memory loss is a cholinergic deficit, which has been
cognitive dysfunction, primarily memory loss (Des- correlated with the severity of AD (Bierer et al., 1995;
granges et al., 1998; Förstl et al., 1995; Grafman et al., Collerton, 1986; Giacobini, 1990; Perry et al., 1978;
1990; Grosse et al., 1991). Language deficits, depression, Perry, 1986; Plotkin and Jarvik, 1986; Read, 1987).
behavioural problems including agitation, mood distur- Therefore attempts to restore cholinergic function have
bances and psychosis are also features associated with the been a rational target for drugs used to treat the
later stages of AD (Kumar et al., 1998; McGuffey, 1997; symptoms of AD. Approaches to enhance cholinergic
Wragg and Jeste, 1989). function in AD have included stimulation of cholinergic
The aetiology of AD is still unknown but several receptors (e.g. the stimulation of nicotinic receptors by
factors have been suggested that appear to reduce the nicotine), or by prolonging the availability of acetylcho-
line (ACh) released into the neuronal synaptic cleft.
This may occur by inhibiting ACh hydrolysis by
* Correspondence to: P. J. Houghton, Department of Pharmacy, King’s acetylcholinesterase (AChE), through the use of AChE
College London, Franklin-Wilkins Building, 150 Stamford Street, London
SE1 9NN, UK. inhibitors.
E-mail: Over the past decade, some AChE inhibitors have

Received 9 October 2002

Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Accepted 9 October 2002

been licensed for clinical use for the symptomatic relief

of the early stages of AD, but it should be stressed that ACTIVITIES RELEVANT TO THE TREATMENT
their effect is only to slow down the progression of the OF AD
disease and they do not achieve any permanent
improvement. The synthetic drug tacrine (Cognex2) Antiinflammatory activity
was the first AChE inhibitor to be licensed, but its
routine use has been restricted by associated hepato- Numerous plants and plant constituents have demon-
toxic effects (Hammel et al., 1990; Watkins et al., strated antiinflammatory properties (Bingöl and Şener,
1994). The use of tacrine has been eclipsed by the 1995; Deepak and Handa, 2000; Handa et al., 1992;
newer AChE inhibitors such as donepezil (Aricept2), Hoult and Payà, 1996; Laughton et al., 1991; Skaltsa et
rivastigmine (Exelon2) and galantamine (Reminyl2) al., 2000; Welton et al., 1986), thus there is potential for
(Evans, 2001). novel antiinflammatory agents to be identified from plant
Several studies indicate that oestrogen replacement sources. Novel antiinflammatory drugs may be useful in
therapy (ORT) may also have favourable effects in the AD therapy, with fewer adverse effects than drugs
prevention and treatment of AD. ORT in women is currently available. For example, numerous flavonoid
associated with a reduced risk of developing AD and compounds (e.g. gossypin, quercetin, gnaphalin) have
oestrogen treatment in women with AD is reported to been associated with antiinflammatory activity (de la
enhance cognitive function (Birge, 1997; Fillet et al., Puerta et al., 1999; Harborne and Baxter, 1993) and may
1986; Honjo et al., 1989; Ohkura et al., 1994; Schneider have potential in the management of inflammatory
et al., 1996); but some studies have not shown ORT to disorders. The structural features of flavonoid molecules
improve cognitive function in AD patients (Mulnard et required for cyclo-oxygenase (COX) inhibition have
al., 2000). Further investigations are necessary to been reported to be the presence of a pyrocatechol group
establish if ORT is an appropriate option for the routine in at least one of the flavonoid rings, however, flavones
prevention and treatment of AD. without such substituents can also inhibit COX (Alcarez
Other reports have indicated that the use of anti- and Ferrándiz, 1987; Welton et al., 1986). Other
inflammatory agents may influence the progression of compounds, with potential for use in inflammatory
AD. There have been several studies to show that non- disorders, include ferulic acid, which is an antioxidant
steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may and antiinflammatory compound derived from plants;
reduce the risk of developing AD, and that patients ferulic acid ameliorated the b-amyloid-induced reduction
with rheumatoid arthritis, who often use NSAIDs, in ACh levels in the cortex and the b-amyloid-induced
have a lower incidence of AD (Breitner, 1996; inflammatory responses in the hippocampus in mice, and
Breitner et al., 1995; Jenkinson et al., 1989; McGeer also improved cognitive function (Yan et al., 2001).
et al., 1990; 1996). Therefore the use of antiinflam-
matory drugs may also have potential in the treatment
of AD. Also implicated in the pathology of many Antioxidant activity
diseases including aging processes, atherosclerosis,
ischaemic heart disease and neurodegenerative dis- Injury of plant cells, as well as mammalian cells, is
eases including AD, are free radical reactions, which associated with the activation of lipoxygenases, which
are reported to initiate cell injury (Maxwell, 1995; catalyse the formation of hydroperoxides of polyunsatu-
Slater, 1984; Spiteller, 1993). Consequently, the use of rated fatty acids (PUFAs); a hydroperoxide radical may
antioxidants may slow AD progression and minimize react with fatty acids to produce dioxoenes, which are
neuronal degeneration. regarded as plant defence compounds (Spiteller, 1993).
Numerous plants and their constituents are reputed in The occurrence of oxidative mechanisms in plants may
traditional practices of medicine to enhance cognitive explain why an abundance of antioxidant compounds
function and to alleviate other symptoms of AD, have been identified in plant tissue. Their antioxidant
including depression. The plant constituents may not effects in plants may therefore have relevance in
only act synergistically with other constituents from the mammals, particularly in disorders involving oxidative
same plant, but may also enhance the activity of stress such as AD.
compounds from other plant species. This approach has Some plants with antioxidant activity include Aeseclus
been used in various practices of traditional medicine, hippocastanum, Allium nutans, Artemisia spp., Guiera
including Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine senegalensis, Hamamelis virginiana, Rosmarinus offici-
(TCM) where a mixture of plants is commonly nalis, Salvia officinalis, Taraxacum officinale and
prescribed. An ethnopharmacological approach has Thymus vulgaris (Aruoma et al., 1996; Bouchet et al.,
provided leads to identifying plants and potential new 1998; Cuvelier et al., 1996; Deans et al., 1993; Hagymási
drugs that are relevant for the treatment of cognitive et al., 2000; Kimura et al., 1985; Masaki et al., 1995;
disorders, including AD, and may aid the discovery of a S̆tajner et al., 1999; Youdim and Deans, 1999).
more varied and efficacious selection of drugs for AD Phytochemicals with anti-oxidant effects include some
treatment. cinnamic acids, coumarins, diterpenes, flavonoids, lig-
This article reviews some of the plants and their active nans, monoterpenes, phenylpropanoids, tannins and
constituents that have been used in traditional practices triterpenes (Aesbach et al., 1994; Bouchet et al., 1998;
of medicine for their reputed cognitive-enhancing Craig, 1999; Foti et al., 1996; Kelm et al., 2000; Kimura
effects. Plants and their constituents with pharmaco- et al., 1985; Laughton et al., 1989; Lu and Liu, 1991;
logical activities relevant to the treatment of cognitive Okuda et al., 1983; Ruberto and Baratta, 2000; Sassa et
disorders, including anticholinesterase (anti-ChE), anti- al., 1990; Schwarz and Ternes, 1992; Seidel et al., 2000;
inflammatory, antioxidant and oestrogenic effects, are Youdim and Deans, 2000; Zhu et al., 1999).
discussed. Some plants and plant compounds with anti-oxidant
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 17, 1–18 (2003)

activity have shown favourable effects in the CNS, so

may be appropriate for use in AD treatment. Curcumin
from Curcuma longa reduced lipid peroxidation in rat
brain following oral administration to rats with ethanol-
induced brain injury (Rajakrishnan et al., 1999), and
Bacopa monniera, which is reported to have cognition
enhancing effects, induced a dose related increase in
superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxi-
dase activities in the rat frontal cortex, striatum and
hippocampus (Bhattacharya et al., 2000b). In another
study, Thymus vulgaris essential oil maintained higher
PUFA levels in various tissues, including the brain in
rats, indicating protective antioxidant effects (Youdim
and Deans, 1999). Therefore the use of plants and their Figure 1. Structures of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.
constituents, in the diet and as supplements, may be
relevant in slowing AD progression.
Suzuki, 1993). Physostigmine (1), a short-acting rever-
sible AChE inhibitor, is also reported to have shown
Nicotinic receptor stimulation significant cognitive benefits in both normal and AD
patients (Shu, 1998; Sitaram et al., 1978), but clinical use
It is reported that smoking may have protective effects may be limited by its short half-life, which would require
against AD development and that administration of multiple daily dosing.
nicotine to AD patients and to healthy (non-AD) elderly Physostigmine (1) has been shown to inhibit both G1
people improved cognitive function (Graves and Morti- and G4 AChE forms, the major AChE isoenzymes present
mer, 1994; Min et al., 2001; Newhouse and Kelton, 2000; in mammalian CNS (Ogane et al., 1992). This effect
Sahakian et al., 1989; van Duijn and Hofman, 1991). indicates that physostigmine (1) inhibits CNS AChE but,
However, some cohort studies have shown that smoking as G4 AChE levels are reported to be decreased in AD
(which has been associated with cancer and cerebrovas- brains (Ogane et al., 1992; Younkin et al., 1986), there
cular disease) shows either no association with AD risk, may be clinical implications regarding efficacy. An
or moderately increases AD risk (Kukull, 2001; Merchant inhibitor that is more selective for the G1 AChE form
et al., 1999; Tyas et al., 2000). Nicotine alone, however, may be more relevant in AD. As well as inhibiting AChE,
is reported to upregulate nicotinic receptors and to physostigmine (1) also inhibited butylcholinesterase
increase ACh release (Balfour and Fagerström, 1996; (BuChE) with similar potency, an enzyme not associated
Flores et al., 1992; Whitehouse and Kalaria, 1995). Thus, with cholinergic neurotransmission (Otoguro et al.,
nicotinic agonists may enhance cholinergic neurotrans- 1997). Therefore, adverse effects associated with BuChE
mission in AD. The cognition enhancing effects of inhibition may also occur with physostigmine (1).
nicotine reported may be due to nicotinic receptor However, BuChE has recently been implicated in the
stimulation but nicotine may also protect against AD by aetiology and progression of AD (Greig et al., 2001).
other mechanisms. Nicotine has been shown to inhibit b- BuChE inhibition may therefore develop as a therapeutic
amyloid formation in vitro (Salomon et al., 1996; Zamani target in AD. In view of this, physostigmine (1) may have
and Allen, 2001), to inhibit the neurotoxic effects of superior clinical efficacy to AChE-selective inhibitors,
excitatory amino acids (e.g. glutamate) and to enhance although the potential clinical advantages of BuChE
the effects of nerve growth factor (NGF) (Akaike et al., inhibition require more thorough investigation.
1994; Whitehouse and Kalaria, 1995). The chemical structure of physostigmine (1) has
Other compounds, for example lobeline from Lobelia provided a template for the development of rivastigmine
inflata, that interact with the nicotinic receptor (Decker et (2), an AChE inhibitor that is licensed for use in the UK
al., 1993; Miller et al., 2000) may also be exploited to for the symptomatic treatment of mild to moderately
influence cholinergic function in AD. Therefore, nicotine severe AD. Rivastigmine (2), which preferentially
from Nicotiana tabacum and other Nicotiana spp., or inhibits the G1 form of AChE (Polinsky, 1998), improves
other nicotinic receptor ligands, may have potential in the cognition in AD patients, an effect that has been
prevention, delay or treatment of AD. correlated with the level of AChE inhibition (Agid et
al., 1998; Cutler et al., 1999; Grossberg and Desai, 2001;
Kumar et al., 1999; Spencer and Noble, 1998).
Inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase: alkaloids Rivastigmine (2) is reported to inhibit AChE in the
cortex and hippocampus (Polinsky, 1998), brain areas
Physostigmine. Physostigma venenosum was used tra- involved in cognition. Thus, it is apparent that plant-
ditionally in Africa as a ritual poison, claimed to derived alkaloid AChE inhibitors may be important for
determine the guilt or innocence of persons accused of the development of more appropriate drug candidates for
a crime (McCaleb, 1990). Treatment with the indole the treatment of AD.
alkaloid physostigmine (1), an AChE inhibitor isolated
from P. venenosum, has improved cognitive function in Galantamine. Galanthus nivalis was used traditionally
several in vivo studies. For example, physostigmine (1) is in Bulgaria and Turkey for neurological conditions (Shu,
reported to protect mice against cognitive impairment 1998). Galantamine (3) is an Amaryllidaceae alkaloid
caused by oxygen deficit, it improved learning in rats obtained from Galanthus nivalis L. (and also Narcissus
(McCaleb, 1990), and antagonized scopolamine-induced spp. and the Chinese herb Lycorus radiata) (Bores et al.,
impairment of cognitive function in rats (Yoshida and 1996). Galantamine (3) is reported to be more selective
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 17, 1–18 (2003)

for AChE than BuChE, and provides complete oral include bornyl acetate, geraniol and limonene, which are
bioavailability (Bickel et al., 1991; Fulton and Benfield, inhibitors of electric eel AChE (Ryan and Byrne, 1988),
1996; Harvey, 1995). Galantamine (3) is licensed in g-terpinene, an inhibitor of bovine and human erythrocyte
Europe for AD treatment and was well tolerated and AChE (Miyazawa et al., 1997; Perry et al., 2000a) and a-
significantly improved cognitive function when adminis- pinene, which also inhibited erythrocyte AChE, and was
tered to AD patients, in multi-centre randomized a more potent inhibitor than g-terpinene; however these
controlled trials (Wilcock et al., 2000; Wilkinson and monoterpene AChE inhibitors were weak compared with
Murray, 2001). Galantamine (3) is also reported to the anti-ChE alkaloid, physostigmine (1) (Perry et al.,
stimulate nicotinic receptors (Pearson, 2001; Woodruff- 2000a). Citral is also reported to inhibit electric eel AChE
Pak et al., 2001), which may also enhance cholinergic (Ryan and Byrne, 1988), and geraniol and linalool are
function and memory. This additional activity suggests weak inhibitors of human erythrocyte AChE (Perry et al.,
that galantamine (3) may have therapeutic advantages 2000a). The disesquiterpene gossypol is also a reversible
over other AChE inhibitors. inhibitor of electric eel AChE (Ryan and Byrne, 1988).
The structural diversity of the active anti-ChE
Huperzine A. Huperzia serrata is used in TCM for terpenoids complicates the prediction of potential
promoting circulation, for fever and as an antiinflamma- structure—activity relationships. One feature associated
tory and analgesic, and the prescription Qian Ceng Ta with AChE inhibition is a hydrophobic ligand. The
(prepared from H. serrata) has been used in TCM to hydrophobic active site of AChE is reported to be
alleviate problems of memory loss (Foster, 1989; susceptible to hydrophobic interactions (Hansch and
Skolnick, 1997). Huperzine A (4), isolated from the moss Deutsch, 1966). Monoterpenes consist of a hydrocarbon
H. serrata, is a lycopodium alkaloid related to the skeleton which may contribute to their anti-ChE activity.
quinolizidines and it inhibits AChE in vitro and in vivo However, no relationship between monoterpene lipo-
(Ashani et al., 1992; Laganière et al., 1991; McKinney et philicity or between molecular volume was identified in
al., 1991; Wang et al., 1986). Huperzine A (4) improved the study by Perry et al. (2000a). Monoterpenes may be
memory retention processes in cognitively impaired aged cyclic (e.g. 1,8-cineole and a-pinene) or acyclic (e.g.
and adult rats (Lu et al., 1988). In a multi-centre, double- geraniol and linalool), a feature that may also influence
blind trial, huperzine A (4) significantly improved anti-ChE activity. Further investigations may determine
memory and behaviour in AD patients, and was reported if a cyclic component, or particular functional group
to be more selective for AChE than BuChE and less toxic favours AChE inhibition.
than the synthetic AChE inhibitors donepezil and tacrine Considering the relatively weak anti-ChE activity of
(Small et al., 1997; Shu, 1998). Huperzine A (4) is also terpenoids reported to date, it is unlikely that they may be
reported to decrease neuronal cell death induced by used therapeutically for cognitive disorders. However,
glutamate toxicity (Skolnick, 1997), it may favourably analogues of active terpenoid compounds may be
affect other neurotransmitter systems to improve memory developed to enhance efficacy.
(Ou et al., 2001), and it protected cortical neurons against Other studies have identified the coumarin auraptene
b-amyloid induced apoptosis in vitro (Xiao et al., 2002). and the sesquiterpene nootkatone from Citrus paradisi as
Huperzine A (4) may also have potential in the attenuation weak inhibitors of erythrocyte AChE (Miyazawa et al.,
of memory deficits and neuronal damage that occur after 2001). More recently, the stilbene oligomers (‡)-a-
ischaemia, so may therefore be beneficial in the treatment viniferin and kobophenol A, from Caragana chamlague,
of cerebrovascular type dementia (Zhou et al., 2001). have also been identified as reversible and non-compe-
titive inhibitors of AChE (Sung et al., 2002). The
potential clinical relevance of these compounds requires
Inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase: terpenoids and further investigation, but such findings indicate that
other phytochemicals plants may yield novel AChE inhibitors, other than
alkaloids and monoterpenes, which may have advantages
Numerous essential oils and their monoterpene constitu- in relation to efficacy and adverse-effect profile.
ents have been investigated for their effects on AChE,
and have shown weak inhibitory activity. For example,
the essential oils from Melissa officinalis and Rosmarinus Phyto-oestrogens
officinalis have been reported to inhibit erythrocyte
AChE in vitro (Perry et al., 1996). Further research regarding the use of ORT in AD patients
There have been conflicting reports regarding the anti- is necessary to establish the potential benefits. However,
ChE activity associated with some monoterpenes. Earlier there is considerable evidence to suggest that ORT may
studies showed that neither 1,8-cineole, nor camphor, nor have a preventative effect against AD development, and
borneol (10 4 M) inhibited human erythrocyte AChE in may be useful in slowing disease progression. Considera-
vitro (Perry et al., 1996), but 1,8-cineole was shown to tion must also be given to the potential adverse effects of
inhibit electric eel AChE, the assay concentration being ORT (e.g. carcinogenesis). Phyto-oestrogens (e.g. soy
much greater (0.78 M) (Ryan and Byrne, 1988). More isoflavones) are reported to improve cognitive function
recently, 1,8-cineole and camphor have shown activity (in animal studies and in humans), and may offer
against human erythrocyte AChE in vitro (IC50: 0.63 mM protection against AD development (File et al., 2001;
and >10 mM, respectively) (Perry et al., 2000a). The Kim et al., 2001; Pan et al., 2000). The mode of action of
differences observed with the same compound against phyto-oestrogens to explain these observations is unclear,
enzyme inhibition may be explained by differences in the and they may act similarly to ORT or via different
AChE subtype, the assay method, or the volatility of the mechanisms. Phyto-oestrogens have not been associated
monoterpenes at different assay temperatures. with the carcinogenic effects of ORT, and may be a more
Other monoterpenes that are reported to inhibit AChE appropriate alternative in the prevention of AD.
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 17, 1–18 (2003)

Table 1. Some plants and isolated compounds with relevant activities in relation to treatment of cognitive disorders, including
Alzheimer’s disease

Plant Compounds isolated Traditional uses, pharmacological and clinical effects

Angelica archangelica L. Active compounds are Angelica archangelica has been used in TCM for cerebral diseases (Ross,
unknown 2001).
The crude alcohol extract of Angelica archangelica displaced nicotine
binding to nico tine receptors in a concentration dependent manner
(Perry et al., 1996), and inhibited AChE activity in vitro (Park et al., 1996).
Angelica archangelica is also reported to enhance cerebral blood ¯ow
(Ross, 2001).
Artemisia absinthium L. Compounds responsible Artemisia absinthium was used traditionally in European medicine as a
for displacement of restorative of lost or declining cognitive function.
nicotine receptor The crude alcohol extract of Artemisia absinthium displaced nicotine
binding are unknown binding to nicotine receptors in a concentration dependent manner (Perry
et al., 1996; Wake et al., 2000).
Bacopa monniera Compounds responsible Bacopa monniera has been used in Ayurvedic medicine to improve
Wettst. for activity require memory and intellect. Bacop a monniera extract is reported to facilitate
further study, but learning acquisition and showed antioxidant effects in rat frontal cortex,
activity may be due to striatum and hippocampus; bacosides A and B are reported to inhibit the
bacosides A and B amnesic effects of scopolamine in rodents (Bhattacharya et al., 2000b).
(saponins) Bacopa monniera also improved acquisition and memory in mice treated
with the anticonvulsant phenytoin (Vohora et al., 2000) and improved the
performance of rats in various learning situations (Singh and Dhawan,
Bacopa monniera may also improve cognitive processes in humans
(Stough et al., 2001).
Biota orientalis Endl. Active compounds are Biota orientalis is used in TCM for insomnia and amnesia. An herbal
unknown prescription (S-113m) composed of Biota orientalis, Panax ginseng and
Schisandra chinensis preferentially improved memory registration and
consolidation (rather than memory retrieval) in mice (Nishiyama et al.,
Biota orientalis seed extract ameliorated the memory acquisition
disorders induced by amygdala and also basal forebrain lesions in mice
(Nishiyama et al., 1992; Nishiyama et al., 1995a).
Codonopsis pilulosa Active compounds are In TCM, Codonopsis pilulosa root is used for various disorders including
Franch. unknown amnesia, and is believed to promote blood circulation and enhance
vitality (Duke and Ayensu, 1985).
Codonopsis pilulosa extract reduced the impairment of memory
acquisition in vivo (Wang et al., 1998) and has shown nootropic effects
(Zhang and Liu, 1990).
Coptis chinensis Franch. Berberine, jatrorrhizine Coptis chinensis has been used in TCM for several conditions. A
and palmatine methanol extract fraction of Coptis chinensis, and jatrorrhizine and
(alkaloids) berberine, are inhibitors of monoamine oxidase (Kong et al., 2001),
indicating potential antidepressant activity.
Coptis chinensis, berberine and palmatine are AChE inhibitors (Huang,
1993; Park et al., 1996).
Coptis chinensis improved a scopolamine-induced learning and memory
de®cit in rats (Hsieh et al., 2000) and has shown antiin¯ammatory
(CueÂllar et al., 2001) and antioxidant activities (Liu and Ng, 2000; Song et
al., 1992).
Crocus sativus L. Crocin (carotenoid) Crocus sativus was used in TCM to treat disorders of the nervous system.
Crocus sativus extract and crocin improved ethanol-induced impairment
of learning behaviour in mice (Abe and Saito, 2000; Sugiura et al., 1995).
Crocin suppressed TNF-a-induced apoptosis of neuronally differentiated
PC-12 cells in vitro (Soeda et al., 2001).
Evodia rutaecarpa Dehydroevodiamine Evodia rutaecarpa is used in TCM for cardiotonic and analgesic effects.
Hook.f. & Thoms. and rutaecarpine Rutaecarpine inhibited COX-2 activity in vitro, and rutaecarpine and
(alkaloids), and limonin limonin were antiin¯ammatory in vivo (Matsuda et al., 1998; Moon et al.,
(nor-triterpenoid) 1999).
Evodia rutaecarpa and dehydro-evodiamine inhibited AChE in vitro, and
reversed scopolamine-induced memory impairment in rats (Park et al.,
1996). Dehydroevodiamine increased cerebral blood ¯ow in vivo (Haji et
al., 1994).

Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 17, 1–18 (2003)

Table 1. Continued

Plant Compounds isolated Traditional uses, pharmacological and clinical effects

Hypericum perforatum Hypericin and Hypericum perforatum was used in Portuguese folk medicine for its
L. and Hypericum hyperforin (quinones) tranquillizing properties, and in Turkey for neurological disorders (Ross,
calycimum L. 2001). Hyperforin improved memory acquisition and consolidation, and
completely reversed scopolamine-induced amnesia in mice, indicating
that hyperforin (and Hypericum perforatum) may enhance cognitive
function (Klusa et al., 2001).
Hypericum perforatum extract has also shown antioxidant activity in vitro
(Hunt et al., 2001; Zheng and Wang, 2001), antiin¯ammatory activity in
vivo (Kumar et al., 2001) and anxiolytic effects in vivo (Coleta et al., 2001).
Hypericum perforatum and Hypericum calycinum were as effective as
anti depressant drugs (e.g. desipramine) in animal models (O È ztuÈrk et al.,
Hypericum perforatum possibly affects neuronal 5-HT uptake
mechanisms, and may enhance both 5-HT and noradrenaline
transmission in forebrain limbic brain circuits, which are important for
mood control (Misane and Ogren, 2001).
Meta-analyses and systematic reviews of published trials indicate
Hypericum perforatum is more effective than placebo for the treatment of
mild/moderate depression, and in some cases is of similar effectiveness
to standard antidepressants (Whiskey et al., 2001).
Lippia stoechadifolia H. Pulegone-1, 2-epoxide Pulegone-1, 2-epoxide is an insecticidal compound from Lippia
B. ‡ K. (monoterpene) stoechadifolia (Grundy and Still, 1985a). Pulegone-1, 2-epoxide was
shown to inhibit AChE in vitro (Grundy and Still, 1985b).
Magnolia of®cinalis Honokiol and magnolol The bark of the root and stem of Magnolia of®cinalis has been used in
Rehder & Wilson (biphenolic lignans) TCM to treat anxiety and nervous disturbances; the anxiolytic effects of
honokiol (Kuribara et al., 1999; Kuribara et al., 2000) and magnolol have
been attributed to their ability to potentiate GABAergic
neurotransmission (Squires et al., 1999).
A traditional Chinese prescription (Banxia Houpu), consisting of Pinellia
ternata, Poria cocos, Magnolia of®cinalis, Perilla frutescens and Zinziber
of®cinale, was antidepressant in vivo (Luo et al., 2000).
Honokiol and magnolol increased ChAT activity and inhibited AChE
activity in vitro, and increased hippocampal ACh release in vivo (Hou et
al., 2000).
Magnolia of®cinalis extract (Zhou and Xu, 1992), magnolol (Chen et al.,
2001; Kong et al., 2000; Lo et al., 1994) and honokiol (Chiu et al., 1997; Lo
et al., 1994) are reported to have antioxidant activity, and magnolol
protected neurons against chemical hypoxic damage or necrotic cell
death in cortical neuron-astrocyte cultures in vitro (Lee et al., 1998).
Magnolol showed antiin¯ammatory activity in vitro and in vivo, perhaps
via inhibition of COX and 5-LOX (Wang et al., 1992, 1995).

that strengthens nervous function and memory. It is

PHARMACOLOGICAL BASIS OF PLANTS USED reported to restore youth, memory and longevity
TRADITIONALLY FOR COGNITIVE (Kapoor, 1990). For example, an Ayurvedic formulation
DISORDERS composed of four herbs, including C. asiatica, is used to
retard age and prevent dementia, and the herb combined
Some plants that are used to treat the symptoms of with milk is given to improve memory (Manyam, 1999).
cognitive disorders such as AD, and plants that have The herb is also taken as a tonic for poor digestion and
shown activities that may be useful in the treatment of rheumatism; the latter suggesting it may have antiin-
AD are discussed below. Various other plant species have flammatory effects. C. asiatica is also used in TCM for
shown favourable effects in relation to cognitive combating physical and mental exhaustion (Brinkhaus et
disorders, or relevant pharmacological activities indicat- al., 2000; Duke and Ayensu, 1985).
ing the potential for use in AD therapy (insecticidal An essential oil (0.1% of the plant), containing
activity, for example, which may be an indication of anti- monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, has been extracted
ChE activity), some of which are summarized in Table 1. from C. asiatica leaf (Asakawa et al., 1982; Brinkhaus et
al., 2000). The monoterpenes present in the essential oil
from C. asiatica include bornyl acetate, a-pinene, b-
Centella asiatica L pinene and g-terpinene (Asakawa et al., 1982), which are
known to inhibit AChE (Miyazawa et al., 1997; Perry et
Centella asiatica (Umbelliferae) leaf is an ancient al., 2000a; Ryan and Byrne, 1988). Various alkaloids
Ayurvedic remedy, which is used as a revitalizing herb have also been isolated from C. asiatica, including
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 17, 1–18 (2003)

hydrocotylin (Duke and Ayensu, 1985), but they have not action may also be responsible for the favourable effects
yet been evaluated for activity against AChE. observed. For example, ginkgolide B from G. biloba is a
Some studies have been conducted regarding the platelet-activating factor (PAF) antagonist (Braquet et
pharmacological basis of the reputed antiamnesic effect al., 1994), which indicates activity against inflammatory
of C. asiatica. An alcohol extract of the leaves is reported processes.
to be tranquillizing in rats, an activity that was attributed It is apparent that G. biloba can be useful in the
to a triterpene, brahmoside (Kapoor, 1990; Sakina and treatment of AD symptoms, but further research is
Dandiya, 1990). In mice, an extract of C. asiatica leaf necessary to identify appropriate dosing regimens, the
was sedative, antidepressant and showed cholinomimetic potential effects of long-term use, interactions with other
activity, which was blocked by atropine (Sakina and medicines, and standardization of extracts must also be a
Dandiya, 1990). These results indicate that C. asiatica consideration.
may be appropriate to treat symptoms of depression and
anxiety in AD, and may also enhance cholinergic activity
and thus, cognitive function. The mechanism for the Melissa officinalis L
potential cholinergic effects of the herb remains to be
established. An aqueous extract of C. asiatica leaf Melissa officinalis (Labiatae) leaf has been used as a
improved learning and memory processes in rats, and medicinal plant for more than 2000 years. In traditional
modulated dopamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and European medicine M. officinalis was used as a calming
noradrenaline systems in rat brain in vivo (Nalini et al., and strengthening remedy and to treat migraines,
1992). These results suggest that the more polar melancholia, neuroses and hysteria, and the plant has
compounds (perhaps triterpene saponins) present in C. been acclaimed for promoting long life and for restoring
asiatica leaf may enhance cognitive function by influen- memory (Bisset, 1994; Kenner and Requena, 1996;
cing neurotransmitter systems in the CNS. The triterpene McVicar, 1994; Yarnell, 1998). In 1751, the herbalist
asiatic acid and its derivatives have been shown to protect John Hill stated that M. officinalis was ‘Good for
cortical neurons from glutamate-induced excitotoxicity disorders of the head and stomach’ (Crellin and Philpott,
in vitro (Lee et al., 2000). Further studies are necessary to 1990), indicating potential benefits for the use of Melissa
confirm this to identify any potential relevance in AD officinalis for CNS disorders. In Arabic medicine it was
treatment. used to treat depression (McVicar, 1994), and it was also
used traditionally in Greek medicine to treat hysteria
(Malamas and Marselos, 1992). The Commission E
Ginkgo biloba L Monograph in Germany approves the use of M. officinalis
for nervous insomnia. In modern alternative medicine, M.
Ginkgo biloba (Coniferae) has been used in TCM for officinalis essential oil is used in aromatherapy to
respiratory disorders, and its use in Western medicine for alleviate depression and insomnia (McVicar, 1994).
circulatory disorders dates back to the 1960s (Kenner and The primary monoterpenes identified in the essential
Requena, 1996). G. biloba has been used traditionally in oil of M. officinalis include citral (geranial and neral)
Iran to improve memory loss associated with blood (Bisset, 1994; Guenther, 1949; Şarer and Kökdil, 1991;
circulation abnormalities (Ross, 2001). This herb has Tittel et al., 1982) which is a weak inhibitor of AChE
been subjected to numerous investigations regarding its (Ryan and Byrne, 1988).
potential in cognitive disorders. The G. biloba extract M. officinalis has been the subject of research
EGb 761 has shown favourable effects on cerebral regarding its potential as a sedative and anxiolytic,
circulation and neuronal cell metabolism (Heiss and activities that may be appropriate to provide symptomatic
Zeiler, 1978; Loffler et al., 2001; Tea et al., 1987), on the relief for behavioural problems such as agitation in AD.
muscarinic cholinergic system (Kristofiková et al., 1992), M. officinalis leaf was reported to alleviate mild anxiety
and showed antioxidant activity (Barth et al., 1991; and nervousness in a double-blind study, and in
Marcocci et al., 1994; Topic et al., 2002). EGb761 was combination with Valeriana officinalis root, was reported
also neuroprotective against b-amyloid- and NO-induced to be as effective as triazolam, and did not cause
toxicity in vitro (Bastianetto et al., 2000a, 2000b), and drowsiness or impair concentration the next day (Yarnell,
could reduce apoptosis both in vitro and in vivo 1998). A hydroalcohol (30% ethanol) extract of M.
(Schindowski et al., 2001; Yao et al., 2001). officinalis leaf was sedative in mice and potentiated
G. biloba extracts have also been evaluated for their barbiturate induced sleep, but the M. officinalis essential
effect on cognitive function. Treatment with G. biloba oil did not demonstrate these sedative effects (Soulimani
extracts attenuated scopolamine-induced amnesia in rats et al., 1991).
(Chopin and Briley, 1992), enhanced memory retention Other activities of M. officinalis leaf extracts that may
in young and old rats (Petkov et al., 1993) and improved be useful for AD therapy include antioxidant effects
short-term memory in mice (Stoll et al., 1996). (Hohmann et al., 1999; Lamaison et al., 1991; Marinova
The clinical efficacy of G. biloba extracts, including and Yanishlieva, 1997; Tagashira and Ohtake, 1998) and
EGb 761, was observed (modest improvements in binding to muscarinic and nicotinic receptors in vitro
cognitive function) following administration to AD and (Perry et al., 1996; Wake et al., 2000), which suggests
non-AD patients in various studies, including rando- that favourable effects on cholinergic function may occur
mized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-centre in AD patients.
trials (Hofferberth, 1994; Kanowski et al., 1997; Le Bars
et al., 1997, 2000; Oken et al., 1998; Rigney et al., 1999).
The compounds responsible for these observations Polygala tenuifolia Willd
require further investigation, but activity is perhaps due
to vasodilatory flavonoids, although other mechanisms of Polygala tenuifolia (Polygalaceae) root is used in TCM
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 17, 1–18 (2003)

Table 2. Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by extracts and oils of sage

Plant extract/compound Assay concentration % Inhibition (SD)

Positive controls
Tacrine 2.0  10 mM 50  0.1
Physostigmine 4.5  10 mM 50  0.1
Test substances
S. of®cinalis oil 0.1 mg/mL 52.4  0.8
S. of®cinalis ethanol extract (dried) 2.5 mg/mL 68.2  15.6
S. lavandulaefolia oil 0.1 mg/mL 63.0  3.7

as a cardiotonic and cerebrotonic, as a sedative and 1 secretion in vitro (Koo et al., 2000). This suggests that
tranquillizer, and for amnesia, forgetfulness, neuritis, the reputed favourable effects of the herb in CNS
nightmares and insomnia (Chang and But, 1987; Duke disorders, may also involve antiinflammatory activity,
and Ayensu, 1985). According to the Chinese Materia but this requires confirmation in vivo. The aqueous
Medica, the root is supposed to have a special effect upon extract of P. tenuifolia root is also reported to prolong
the will and mental powers, giving strength of character, hexobarbital sleeping time in mice (due to onjisaponin F)
improving understanding, strengthening the memory, and (Chang and But, 1987; Huang, 1993; Tang and
increasing physical powers. Eisenbrand, 1992). Thus, it may have potential as a
There have been numerous studies regarding the tranquillizer.
reputed memory enhancing potential of P. tenuifolia
root. For example, the traditional Chinese prescription
DX-9386, composed of four herbs (Panax ginseng, Salvia lavandulaefolia Vahl. and Salvia officinalis L
Polygala tenuifolia, Acorus gramineus and Poria cocos)
has shown favourable effects in relation to AD symptoms Research into historical literature has revealed that some
in several animal models. DX-9386 improved motor activities of sage, particularly its reputation as being good
activity, reduced lipid peroxidation, ameliorated memory for the memory, may be relevant to AD treatment (Perry
impairment and prolonged the lifespan of senescence et al., 1998). Thus in his late 16th century English herbal,
accelerated mice and, ameliorated the ethanol- and Gerard writes about sage ‘It is singularly good for the
scopolamine-induced memory impairment in mice head and brain and quickenethe the nerves and memory’.
(Nishiyama et al., 1994a, 1994b, 1994c, Zhang et al., Culpeper, writing about 50 years later says that ‘It also
1994b). Further investigations are required to clarify the heals the memory, warming and quickening the senses’
contribution of each of the four herbs in DX-9386 to the whilst Hill in 1756 poignantly encapsulates the tragic
observed pharmacological activities. effects associated with ageing by stating ‘Sage will retard
Kami-utan-to (KUT), a prescription containing 13 that rapid progress of decay that treads upon our heels so
herbs including P. tenuifolia root, is used in traditional fast in latter years of life, will preserve faculty and
Japanese medicine to treat psychoneurological diseases. memory more valuable to the rational mind than life
KUT dose-dependently upregulated choline acetyltrans- itself’ (Perry et al., 2001). These ancient reports, together
ferase (ChAT) activity and increased nerve growth factor with current usage, which indicates that sage might
(NGF) secretion in vitro, and improved passive avoid- possess antiinflammatory properties and also alleviate
ance behaviour and induced ChAT activity in the cerebral conditions associated with oestrogen imbalance. Newall
cortex of aged rats, and in scopolamine-induced memory et al., (1996), suggest that sage might be of possible use
impaired rats in vivo (Yabe et al., 1997; Yamada and in AD. Numerous in vitro and in vivo tests have been
Yabe, 1997). The effects on ChAT activity and NGF employed to monitor the effects of sage extracts on some
secretion in vitro were not as pronounced when treated of the factors associated with AD, or with a reduction in
with KUT in the absence of P. tenuifolia root, but P. its incidence.
tenuifolia root extract alone did upregulate ChAT activity
and increase NGF secretion in vitro (Yabe et al., 1997; Cholinesterase inhibition in vitro. An ethanol extract,
Yamada and Yabe, 1997). The cinnamic acid derivative the steam-distilled oil of S. officinalis (Labiatae) and the
sinapinic acid, from P. tenuifolia root increased ChAT oil of S. lavandulaefolia (Labiatae) have been investi-
activity in the frontal cortex in brain-lesioned rats (Yabe gated for anti-ChE activity. It was found that all three
et al., 1997). These results suggest that P. tenuifolia root, samples gave inhibition of AChE at quite low concentra-
particularly the cinnamic acid derivatives, significantly tions (Perry et al., 1996) (Table 2). This activity was of
contribute to the pharmacological activities of KUT, and considerable interest since previous AChE inhibitors
may explain the reputed beneficial effects of KUT in were amines, the naturally occurring types being the
Japanese medicine. KUT treatment in AD patients is also alkaloids, and these compounds were not known to exist
reported to improve memory-related behaviour (Yamada in the Salvia species tested.
and Yabe, 1997). P. tenuifolia also inhibited AChE The cholinesterase inhibition shown by the S. lavan-
activity in vitro (Park et al., 1996). dulaefolia oil was likely to be due to the cyclic
An aqueous extract of P. tenuifolia root inhibited monoterpenes 1,8-cineole and a-pinene, which were
interleukin-1 (IL-1) mediated tumour necrosis factor shown to inhibit AChE in vitro, with some contribution
(TNF) secretion by astrocytes in vitro (Kim et al., 1998) from other constituents perhaps by acting synergistically
and also dose-dependently inhibited ethanol-induced IL- (Perry et al., 2001). However, the monoterpenes were
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 17, 1–18 (2003)

considerably less active, by a factor of at least 103, than during neurodegeneration and although the role of this
the alkaloid inhibitors such as physostigmine (1) (Perry et inflammatory mediator in AD is not entirely apparent,
al., 2000a). It was also reported that the inhibitory selective inhibition over cyclo-oxygenase (COX) may be
activities of the major terpene constituents did not readily relevant therapeutically (Sugaya et al., 2000).
account for the inhibitory effect of the total S.
lavandulaefolia essential oil. It was calculated that 50% Oestrogenic activity in vitro. Dose-dependent oestro-
enzyme inhibition for the oil would occur at approxi- genic activity was present in the ethanol extract (which
mately 160 mg/L if the values of the constituent terpenes appeared to be concentrated in the water-soluble fraction)
individually were taken into account—approximately of S. lavandulaefolia (Perry et al., 2001). S. lavandulae-
5000 times the concentration of the essential oil folia essential oil showed oestrogenic activity in vitro,
(0.03 mg/L) providing 50% inhibition. This suggested which was not dose dependent and of the five
either that there was a high degree of synergy in the monoterpenoid constituents of S. lavandulaefolia essen-
combined action of the terpenes, or, less likely, that there tial oil screened, only geraniol (0.1 mM–2 mM; <1% of
was present in the oil an as yet unidentified minor essential oil) exhibited oestrogenic activity (which was
constituent of high potency. weak in comparison with the standard oestrogenic
compound, 17b-oestradiol (1000 nM) (Perry et al.,
Antioxidant activity in vitro. An aqueous methanol 2001). The potential oestrogenic activity of the sage
extract of S. officinalis dose-dependently inhibited lipid extracts and essential oil constituents require further
peroxidation (Hohmann et al., 1999). Several antioxidant investigation.
compounds have been identified in S. officinalis, includ-
ing caffeic acid, carnosic acid, carnosol, rosmarinic acid In vivo and clinical studies. Oral administration of S.
(Cuvelier et al., 1996; Wang et al., 2000), salvianolic lavandulaefolia essential oil (in a standard dose of
acids I, K and L and various other phenolic compounds sunflower oil) once daily for 5 days to rats, decreased
(Lu and Foo, 2001, 2001b; Wang et al., 1999). Weak striatal AChE activity with doses of 20 mL and at doses of
antioxidant effects were also shown to be present in an 50 mL, a decrease in AChE activity was observed in both
ethanol extract of S. lavandulaefolia (when compared the striatum and the hippocampus compared with the
with the standard antioxidant 10 mM propyl gallate), and control treated rats (administered sunflower oil alone); at
both the water-soluble and chloroform-soluble fractions neither dose was there a change in the AChE activity in
of this extract gave similar activity (Perry et al., 2001). the cortex of the S. lavandulaefolia treated group
Some of the individual components of the volatile oil compared witht the control group (Perry et al., 2001).
from S. lavandulaefolia have been investigated and Thus, it is apparent that following oral administration,
antioxidant effects were observed with 1, 8-cineole, a- one or more constituents of the S. lavandulaefolia oil or
pinene and b-pinene, but a prooxidant effect was given their metabolites, reach the brain (crossing the gastro-
by camphor, a relatively major component of the oil intestinal and blood–brain barriers) and inhibit AChE in
(Perry et al., 2001). Given that the monoterpenoids with select brain areas, consistent with evidence of inhibition
antioxidant activity in this study were present in the of the brain enzyme in vitro (Perry et al., 1996).
essential oil at a slightly higher relative percentage So far, no clinical studies on patients with AD have
(collectively over 30%) than camphor (27% of essential been reported but a recent study describes the effect of
oil), the prooxidant activity of camphor may not have its sage in healthy volunteers (Kennedy et al., 2001). In this
effect in the whole essential oil. Further investigations are placebo-controlled, double-blind, balanced, cross-over
necessary, in particular in vivo, before characterizing any design study, 20 participants received 50 mL, 100 mL and
of the extracts or oil constituents as antioxidant or 150 mL of a standardized oil extract of S. lavandulaefolia
prooxidant. and vehicle (sunflower oil) alone. Doses were adminis-
tered on different days, each separated by a 7-day wash-
Effect of extract on eicosanoid synthesis in vitro. An out period using a pseudo-random treatment order.
ethanol extract of S. lavandulaefolia showed only weak There were a number of significant effects on
inhibition of eicosanoid synthesis, giving only about 10% cognition associated with the lowest (50 mL) dose of
inhibition of thromboxane-B2 (TXB2) synthesis but more Salvia. These included improvements in both immediate
inhibition (60%) of leukotriene B4 (LTB4) synthesis; and delayed word recall scores coupled with decrements
fractionation of the ethanol extract was conducted to give in both accuracy and speed of attention. The same dose
a chloroform-soluble portion and a water-soluble frac- was associated with reductions in self-rated ‘alertness’ at
tion, the latter was found to be less active (Perry et al., 2.5 h and ‘calmness’ at 4 h and 6 h. Following the 150 mL
2001). dose both ‘calmness’ and ‘contentedness’ were reduced
Hexane and chloroform extracts of S. officinalis dose- across most time-points. These results represent the first
dependently inhibited croton oil-induced ear oedema in systematic evidence that Salvia is capable of acute
mice, with the main active compound being identified as modulation of mood and cognition in healthy young
ursolic acid, but the methanol extracts and the essential adults.
oil were much less active (Baricevic et al., 2001). The
essential oil constituents of S. lavandulaefolia have also
been evaluated for antiinflammatory effects. The S. Salvia miltiorrhiza Bung
lavandulaefolia oil constituent a-pinene (comprising
5% of the essential oil) was the only constituent present Throughout history Salvia miltiorrhiza (Labiatae) has
which gave significant activity (52% inhibition at been used for the treatment of a variety of medical
200 mM) and showed weak selectivity for inhibition of conditions. The dried root of S. miltiorrhiza is red in
LTB4 generation. LTB4 is produced via the enzyme 5- colour, and was therefore used in folk medicine for the
lipoxygenase (5-LOX), the gene of which is upregulated management of blood disorders. It is prescribed in TCM
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 17, 1–18 (2003)
10 M.-J. R. HOWES ET AL.

to stabilize the heart and calm nerves (Huang, 1993). 1997)), rosmariquinone (also known as miltirone) and
Official indications for the root include treatment of several other phenolic compounds (Huang and Zhang,
blood circulation disorders, insomnia, neurasthenia and 1992; Kang et al., 1997; Liu et al., 1992; Weng and
alleviation of inflammation (Tang and Eisenbrand, 1992). Gordon, 1992). Such antioxidant compounds may be
S. miltiorrhiza, or Chinese sage, has been the subject of useful in AD therapy.
thorough investigation, and consequently numerous ‘Salvia compositus’ is a herbal mixture of the Chinese
pharmacological activities that may be relevant in CNS herbs S. miltiorrhiza and Delbergia odorifera, which has
disorders, including AD, have been identified. S. been used traditionally for management of coronary heart
miltiorrhiza has been employed for the treatment of disease (Fan et al., 1979). Investigations suggest this
cerebral vascular disease, and there are several studies to herbal remedy has a potential role in antioxidation of
investigate possible mechanisms for the protective effect lipids (Zhang et al., 1994a), and in amelioration of
of S. miltiorrhiza against cerebral ischaemia. cerebral oedema (Kuang et al., 1995), providing further
S. miltiorrhiza root has been implicated in attenuating evidence for therapeutic advantage in cerebral disorders.
dysfunction of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), a ‘Salvia compositus’ has shown effects on electrical
neuropeptide distributed within the gastrointestinal tract activities of the cerebral cortex, showing a CNS
and CNS, which may participate in the changes that occur depressant action (Fan et al., 1979). There are also
in cerebral ischaemia (Kuang et al., 1989). Distribution reports of S. miltiorrhiza root being analgesic and
abnormalities of the neuropeptide substance P have also sedative. A reduction in the spontaneous activity of
been associated with some CNS disorders, including AD. mice, and increased duration of the hypnotic action
Decreased levels of substance P have been suggested as a induced by chloral hydrate and barbiturates in the
consequence of neuronal damage following cerebral presence of S. miltiorrhiza root have been observed
ischaemia; S. miltiorrhiza root has been implicated in (Huang, 1993; Chang and But, 1987). Further investiga-
protecting neurons from ischaemia (Kuang et al., 1991), tion has established a structure–activity relationship for
and so may actively protect against cerebral ischaemia rosmariquinone, a quinone isolated from S. miltiorrhiza
and perhaps other CNS disorders via this mechanism. root, as an active central benzodiazepine receptor ligand
Other beneficial effects of S. miltiorrhiza root against (Chang et al., 1991). Rosmariquinone and perhaps other
cerebral ischaemia have also been explored. S. miltior- quinones from S. miltiorrhiza may explain the tranquil-
rhiza root may inhibit neuronal cell death by inhibition of lizing effects observed, and could be developed as
presynaptic glutamate release (Kuang and Xiang, 1994), anxiolytic agents for managing the behavioural distur-
and it has been suggested that inhibition of nitric oxide bances often observed in AD patients.
(NO) formation may also explain CNS protective effects Tanshinones isolated from S. miltiorrhiza root have
observed with S. miltiorrhiza root (Kuang et al., 1996a). demonstrated antiinflammatory activity in mice and were
It should also be considered that the biological function active against 5-LOX in porcine leukocytes, but were not
of NO has been suggested to involve the effects of as active as the crude extracts (Chang and But, 1986;
excitatory amino acids, including their effects on brain Paulus and Bauer, 2000). The tanshinones are also
development, learning and memory (Moncada et al., reported to show weak oestrogenic activity (Chang and
1991). This physiological role may aid the explanation of But, 1986). These activities require further investigation
the effects of S. miltiorrhiza root on the CNS. Further for confirmation, but could be relevant in AD therapy.
investigations indicate S. miltiorrhiza root may modify Other studies have reported other Salvia species to
ischaemic cell changes by modulating somatostatin, a have pharmacological activities, or reputed activities in
CNS neuropeptide that has been implicated in learning traditional medicine, that may be relevant in the
and memory (Kuang et al., 1993). treatment of various CNS disorders. For example, S.
S. miltiorrhiza root may offer an additional therapeutic guaranitica has been used by Amazonian Indians for its
approach to management of stroke and ischaemia. sedative action; this use may be explained by the
Reperfusion to aid recovery of ischaemia can cause constituents cirsiliol and a caffeic acid ethyl ester, which
further brain damage. During reperfusion, metabolism of are benzodiazepine receptor ligands (Marder et al.,
free fatty acids from the breakdown of lipid membranes 1996). Further assessment of the relevance of Salvia
during ischaemia has been proposed to generate oxygen species in CNS disorders, is discussed by Perry et al.
free radicals leading to further brain injury (Traystman et (2000b).
al., 1991). S. miltiorrhiza root has been shown to offer
protection against this process by reducing lipid peroxi-
dation (Kuang et al., 1996b; Liu et al., 1992; Peigen et Withania somnifera (L.) Dun
al., 1996; Zhao et al., 1996).
The anti-oxidant effects of S. miltiorrhiza root have Withania somnifera (Solanaceae) root (ashwagandha) is
been studied and several compounds have been identified one of the most highly regarded herbs in Ayurvedic
with significant antioxidant activity. Several quinones medicine and its use dates back almost 4000 years. It is
isolated from S. miltiorrhiza root have demonstrated an classed among the rejuvenative tonics (‘Rasayanas’),
antioxidant effect in lard, with dihydrotanshinone, which was emphasized by the Ayurvedic scholar Charaka
tanshinone I, methylene tanshinquinone and cryptotan- (10BC) who wrote about W. somnifera, ‘One obtains
shinone providing significant antioxidant activity; tan- longevity, regains youth, gets a sharp memory and
shinone IIa has shown no antioxidant activity (Weng and intellect and freedom from diseases, gets a lustrous
Gordon, 1992; Zhang et al., 1990). Other components of complexion, and strength of a horse’ (Upton, 2000). The
S. miltiorrhiza root have displayed antioxidant effects herb is also traditionally used to treat inflammatory
including salvianolic acids A and B (compounds found to conditions, such as arthritis.
protect against memory impairment induced by cerebral Nicotine is reported to be present in W. somnifera root
ischaemia in mice (Du et al., 2000; Guanhua and Juntian, (Kapoor, 1990), but some investigations have not
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 17, 1–18 (2003)

detected its presence (Das et al., 1964; Schwarting et al., but could reflect the reported GABA-mimetic effect of W.
1963). The presence of nicotine may explain the reputed somnifera extract (Mehta et al., 1991).
activity of W. somnifera in Ayurvedic medicine, W. somnifera root and some constituents are also
considering that nicotine has been associated with reported to have antioxidant and antiinflammatory
cognitive enhancement and protection against AD activities, which may also be relevant in AD therapy.
development (Graves and Mortimer, 1994; Newhouse The crude extract is reported to inhibit lipid peroxidation
and Kelton, 2000; Sahakian et al., 1989; van Duijn and in vitroand in vivo (Dhuley, 1998; Panda et al., 1997).
Hofman, 1991). The root extract and the glycowithanolides (consisting of
There have been numerous studies regarding the equimolar concentrations of sitoindosides VII–X and
cognitive enhancing activities of W. somnifera. For withaferin A) are hepatoprotective in rats and mice, an
example some steroidal derivatives that have been effect attributed to the antioxidant activity against hepatic
isolated from W. somnifera root are the sitoindosides IX lipid peroxidation (Bhattacharya et al., 2000a; Chaurasia
and X, which augmented learning acquisition and et al., 2000).
memory in both young and old rats (Ghosal et al., The compounds responsible for antioxidant activity
1989). The mechanisms for this effect are unclear, but include the withanolides (Bhattacharya et al., 2001; Mills
may involve modulation of cholinergic neurotransmis- and Bone, 2000; Mishra et al., 2000; Scartezzini and
sion, as an extract containing the sitoindosides VII–X Speroni, 2000; Upton, 2000), but other compounds in the
and withaferin A (a steroidal withanolide aglycone also root may also be antioxidant. The glycowithanolides
from W. somnifera root) was administered to mice and decreased lipid peroxidation in various tissues including
effects on the neurotransmitter systems in the brain were the brain in rodents, and both the glycowithanolides and
observed. The results showed that the extract enhanced the sitoindosides (VII–X) enhanced catalase and glu-
AChE activity in the lateral septum and globus pallidus tathione peroxidase activities in rat frontal cortex and
and decreased AChE activity in the vertical diagonal striatum (Bhattacharya et al., 1997, 2001; Chaurasia et
band, enhanced muscarinic M1 receptor binding in the al., 2000).
lateral and medial septum and in the frontal cortices, and A root extract was effective against arthritis in rats
increased muscarinic M2 receptor binding sites in (Begum and Sadique, 1988) and reduced serum protein
cortical regions, but did not affect g-aminobutyric acid levels (e.g. a2-macroglobulin, an indicator of inflamma-
(GABA)A, benzodiazepine receptor binding, nor N- tory conditions) (Anbalagan and Sadique, 1981a, 1981b,
methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) or amino-3-hydroxy-5- 1985), and in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-
methylisoxasole-4-propionic acid (AMPA) glutamate over study, treatment in patients with osteoarthritis
receptor subtypes (Schliebs et al., 1997). The extract resulted in an improvement in symptoms (Kulkani et
containing the sitoindosides VII–X and withaferin A al., 1991). W. somnifera administration to mice treated
also reversed the ibotenic acid-induced cognitive deficit with a carcinogen reduced IL-1 and TNF-a levels
and reversed the reduction in cholinergic markers (e.g. (Dhuley, 1997), which may also be relevant in AD,
ACh, ChAT) in rats (Bhattacharya and Kumar, 1995). considering the possible involvement of these inflamma-
The reputed cognition enhancing effects of W. somni- tory mediators in senile plaque formation and neurode-
fera root may therefore be explained by a preferential generation. W. somnifera leaves are also reported to have
action on cholinergic neurotransmission in the cortical antiinflammatory activity (Sudhir et al., 1986). The
and basal forebrain, brain areas involved in cognitive numerous pharmacological activities of W. somnifera
function. These observations indicate that the sitoindo- root indicate that this herb may have multiple beneficial
sides VII–X and withaferin A could have potential in effects in AD patients; this also emphasizes the
AD therapy. advantages that the complex mixture of an extract may
The root extract of W. somnifera also reversed have over a pure compound.
scopolamine-induced disruption of acquisition and atten-
tion, and attenuated amnesia following electroconvulsive
shock in mice, effects that are possibly attributed to the
root extract having nootropic activity (Dhuley, 2001). CONCLUSIONS
A methanol extract of W. somnifera root dose-
dependently promoted dendrite formation in human It is apparent that a variety of plants show, or have the
neuroblastoma cells in vitro (Tohda et al., 2000). If this potential to show, numerous activities that may be
effect occurred in the CNS, treatment of AD patients with relevant to the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders
the root extract may promote synaptic formation, which such as AD. The majority of studies have focused on the
involves neurite outgrowth; thus cholinergic function anti-ChE alkaloids, such as physostigmine (1) and
may be enhanced. A root preparation of W. somnifera has galantamine (3). This is perhaps a reflection of the
also been shown to significantly reduce the number of relative success of the use of AChE inhibitors in AD
degenerating cells in the hippocampal brain region of patients, and a lack of understanding of the pathological
stressed rats, which indicates the root extract may have mechanisms that occur in AD and the subsequent targets
potential neuroprotective effects in neurodegenerative for treatment. Although some plants, such as Ginkgo
disorders (Jain et al., 2001). biloba and Withania somnifera, have shown beneficial
The glycowithanolides showed anxiolytic and anti- effects on cognitive function, further studies regarding
depressant activities in rats (Bhattacharya et al., 2000c), the compounds responsible for activity are necessary, to
which may be applicable in the symptomatic treatment of identify which compounds are responsible for the
AD. An alkaloid extract also had tranquillizing effects in pharmacological activities observed, or if compounds
vivo, and potentiated barbiturate-, ethanol- and urethane- act synergistically to enhance activity. For many of the
induced hypnosis in mice (Malhotra et al., 1965). The plants and compounds that have demonstrated activities
pharmacological basis for these observations is unknown, relevant to AD therapy, the clinical data are very limited.
Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 17, 1–18 (2003)
12 M.-J. R. HOWES ET AL.

Clinical efficacy and potential toxicity of active plants traditional medicine. The ethnopharmacological ap-
and compounds in larger trials requires further assess- proach for selecting plants to investigate for the treatment
ment, before recommendations concerning their routine of a particular disease, is a relatively successful method
use can be identified. for the identification of plants and compounds that may
In conclusion, it is apparent that the pharmacological be exploited, for use therapeutically in neurodegenerative
activities of plants often appear to reflect their uses in and other cognitive disorders.


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Copyright # 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 17, 1–18 (2003)

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