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Krystal Meza

Describe the most significant challenge you have

faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this
challenge. How has this challenge affected your
academic achievement?

One challenge I faced was playing a sport. I played soccer for

two years here at Carson High School, and it was really fun and
I met a lot of new friends. My first year of soccer was great, but
by my second year I was getting so much work from my
teachers it was hard to manage. I had practice everyday until 6
and I didn’t really have much time to do my work when I got
home because I also had chores to do. As soon as I got home i
tried my hardest to get done what I can then start what chores
had to be done to get enough sleep. I’m someone who needs
extra help in school because I’m not so bright. I actually ended
up leaving soccer earlier than expected to focus more on my
school working and passing my classes.
While I was in soccer I was doing okay in my classes but I
was just not getting enough sleep and time for other things. That
was one of my biggest challenges I have faced my high school
year but I’m glad I had the opportunity to play with such
amazing people and many challenging schools. This sport also
made me faster in my running at one point so maybe now I can
find something less time consuming and make more friends.

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