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Conversation Grup 1 (Urinary System and Urinary System Disease).

1. Hermawati (Mother).
2. Hesti yuniarti (Nurse1)
3. Hondini Pratama (Nurse2)
4. Icha (Pharmacist)
5. Ilhami nadion (Patient)

Nurse :Asalamualaikum, I am nurse hesty and hondini wi will caring you

from 8-12 o’clock.
Nurse Hondini :How condition your son mom ?
Mother :Alhamdulilah, now it’s getting better?
My son said that dysuria has decreased.
Nurse hesti :Hello, how are you ?
Patient :Alhamdulilah, already improved, nurse but I feel a weakness.
Nurse hesty :Oh yes.
His situation bigan to improve.
Sorry mom, please take a medicine in the pharmacist.This is a
Mother :Okey nurse.

Going to the apotek

Mother :Sorry this is a recipe ordered from doctor.
Pharmacist :Okey mom, take a minute.
This is your medicine mom.
Mother :Thank you.
Pharmacist :Your welcome.
Conversation Grup 1(Respiratory system and Respiratory system disease).
1. Hermawati (Mother).
2. Hesti yuniarti (Doctor)
3. Hondini Pratama (Child)
4. Icha (Nurse1)
5. Ilhami nadion (Nurse2)

Nurse Icha :Asalamualaikum.

Mom and child:Waalaikumsalam.
Nurse icha :Excusme, I am icha. I am the nurse in charge of caring your mom
today from 8 to 2 in the today.
Mother :Yes sus, now what do my children want to do?
Nurse icha :Later my friend will check the condition of the condition of the
mothers child.
Mother :Okay sus.
Nurse ilham :Excusme mom, I am ilham. I will chack up your child.
Mother :yes nurse.
Nurse ilham :I have finished check your child, for next be done by a doctor.
Mother :Okay, I am waiting a doctor.
Doctor :Excusme mom, good afternoon, what do you feel now?
Child :I feel shortness of breath and pain in the chest.
Doctor :Oh okay, I check your past.
Child :How are doctor with my condition now.
Doctor :Your condition is not to severe. Later action will be taken to
reduce your shortness of breath.
Child :Okay doc.
Mother :Thank you doctor.
Doctor :Your welcome mom.

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