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co») United States US 201900221641 c2) Patent Application Publication (0) Pub. No.: US 2019/0022164 Al ILLATHU MADHAVAMENON et al. (43) Pub, Dat Jan. 24, 2019 (64) STABLE PALM INFLORESCENCE SAP. 0) Foreign Application Priority Data POWDER COMPOSITIONS AND ITS PHARMACOLOGICAL EFFECTS Jan. 7, 2016 (IN) 201641000570 (71) Applicant: AKAY FLAVOURS & AROMATICS: PVT LTD, Cochin, Kerala (IN) Inventors: Krishnakumar ILLATHU MADHAVAMENON, Cochin (IN) Ratheesh MOHANAN, Ochiea (IN): Balu PAULOSE MALIAKEL, Cochin, Kerala (IN) (13) Assignee: AKAY FLAVOURS & AROMATICS. PVT LID, Cochin, Kerala (IN) (21) Appl.Nox 16/068,769 (22) PCT Filed: Jam, 6, 2017 (86) PCT No. $371 XD, (2) Date: PCTAB2017/050056 Jul. 9, 2018 Publication Classification (1) Im. cl. AGIK 36889 (2006.01) A231 239 (2006.01) ABBL 33/105 (2006.01) ADL 36 (2006.01) 2) AIK 36/889 (2013.01), A231. 2/39 (2013.01); 423V° 2002/00 (2013.01); A23L 5/46 (2013.01); A23L 33/105 (2016.08) 1) ABSTRACT Te present invention provides a caconut sap inflorescence powder compositions to provide symptomatic or prophylac ‘ie treatment of human disorder that as enriched vitamins, rminerals, fat carbohydrates and proteins. The invention also provides’ a process for producing such powders by spray drying or freeze dying. The powdered compositions and dosage forms are useful in the treatment of drug indvced repliotoxiity, alcoholic liver damage, and performance enhancement when administered orally.

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