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Introduction I’m giving away the farm.

It took me years to figure out how to build a successful screen

printing business. I am letting you in on the secrets no one else will tell you. Learn how to build your
business by applying the methods in this easy to follow book which comes with detailed pictures,
instructional tutorials and a easy to follow dvd how to video. Everyone utilizes printed shirts these days,
from baseball teams, to churches, to family vacations and reunions, to you name it! There’s a shirt for
every event! It’s a beautiful thing. The best part is building up a residual income as many companies and
event planners order the same design over and over again, Many times orders come for twenty, fifty,
one hundred or even a thousand or more shirts! This is not to mention hats and jackets! As for the
competition, there is plenty of business to go around! My name is Dan Stewart, I grew up in a little town
in New Jersey called Ramtown. I served four years in the Air Force after high school. I always knew I
wanted to be in business for myself. I sold car insurance for twenty years, I also was a lead customer
service repr My story is an interesting one. The last thing I ever thought about was going into the silk
screening business. I didn’t even know what screen printing was. What I did know was that I hated
selling insurance. Boars Head was okay but I knew I wanted something of my own, so I was looking for a
good business model with a low entry fee. A friend of mine gave me a book called “The Art of War” by
Sun Tzu. In His book, Tzu said you can be anything you want to be if you would forget about the money
and do what you love. I wanted to be a MBL player but I’m a little too old for that now. Then I thought
maybe I could make money playing softball but, you guessed it, too old for that too. I was reading a
sports magazine and came across an ad that said “own your own sports franchise” Well that got my
attention so I took a shot and invested $1,500 and I was on my way! In the box I received various
catalogs from various companies and I was instructed on how to buy wholesale products and sporting
goods through the group I joined. I started buying bats and gloves at wholesale prices for myself and my
friends. I wasn’t making a lot of money though. I looked in the box again and saw that I could sell MLB
hats, so I started hanging hats at convenience stores, dollar stores and gas stations on consignment. I
would hang twenty hats, go back in a month and replenish what sold. I made some money but not big
money… yet. The dollar store asked if I could get t-shirts and I discovered, from the box that I could. At
this point I’m selling hats and t-shirts at the dollar stores, gas stations and convenience stores and I’m
making a little more money, still not lighting the world on fire though.

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