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PE 608 Behavior Code of Conduct for Athletic Staff

1. Place the athlete’s emotional and physical health ahead of your own desires to win.

Example: A staff member will not put an injured athlete in a situation to further hurt themselves

because the staff member wants that specific athlete to play due to their athletic ability. Athlete

safety is first.

2. Staff members are to be present at all sporting events.

Example: If there is practice at 6am than every coach needs to present unless there is a valid

reason. Athletes pick up on if a coach isn’t there and why they aren’t there.

3. “Staff members shall understand the unique power of a coach-athlete relationship.

Coaches and all other staff personnel shall not exploit athletes and shall avoid any

relationships which could compromise the integrity of the learning and participation

process, impair their professional judgment and/or take advantage of a situation for their

own personal gain or gratification (Bevolley Academy, 2018).”

Example: Staff members will not have a physical or romantic relationship with athletes.

4. Staff members are to be knowledgeable of the rules in the sport and instruct the athletes

the rules of the sport.

Example: Staff members will know rules of when athletes are able to start practicing with

coaches present and educate the athletes of these rules and why.

5. Staff members will treat other coaches, players, officials, and fans with respect

regardless of race, sex, religion, or ability.

Example: Staff members will shake the hand of the head coach and official at the sport event to

show their appreciation of putting on the event and working the event. This example will most

likely want those head coaches to invite our team back because of the shown respect and


Works Cited

No author. (2018). Code of conduct. Retrieved from

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