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Hi, ormai tutti conoscete il mio nome, by now all of you know my name. Sono Giovanna.

I am Giovanna. Today we are going to practice the name of the places a bit more, asking
and understanding directions.
Do you remember all the posti, places, we have learnt? If not, go through that lesson
again. If you do, allora cominciamo, then let’s start.
Ascolta e ripeti dopo di me. Listen and repeat after me.

Where Dove Dove

It is è è

Now repeat:

Where is it? Dov’è? Dov’è?

Listen very carefully to the difference between “dove” and “dov’è?”

Dove (Where)
Dov’è? (Where is it?)

Ora ascolta e ripeti dopo di me:

Between tra tra

In front of di fronte a di fronte a
Behind dietro a dietro a
By vicino a vicino a
After dopo dopo
Before prima di prima di
Around the corner dietro l’angolo dietro l’angolo

Now, se pensate, if you think, that you remember them all, let’s practice a bit. I hope you
went through last lesson on prepositions diligently, because now we are going to use
them. As usual, I will say the sentence in English first, then will give you the time to say
it (or guess it) in Italian, I will repeat it in Italian and then let you repeat it again.

Excuse me, where is the station? Scusi dov’è la stazione?

The station is by the movie theather. La stazione è vicino al cinema.
It’s around the corner. È dietro l’angolo.
And where is the hospital? E dov’è l’ospedale?
The hospital is between the hotel and the museum.
L’ospedale è tra l’albergo e il museo.
Where is the park? Dov’è il parco?
The park is at Via Rossi, before the library.
Il parco è a via Rossi, prima della biblioteca.
The hotel is before the bookstore, but after the hospital.
L’albergo è prima della libreria, ma dopo l’ospedale.
It’s at the stoplight È al semaforo.

This is the end of this lesson. Rewind it as many times as you want and of course you can
try as many combinations as you want.
Ciao, alla prossima.

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