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PE 603 Daily Plan

Long Sprints Workout: February 18th – February 24th

Sunday – Off
Goal: Take a day off and let the body recovery. Do some stretching.
Monday – Absolute Speed Day w/spikes
- 3-5x20, 30, 40 @ 90-95% w/6-8min recovery
- Jumping day
- Weight room
Goal: Today’s goal is to work on an athlete’s absolute speed which is 0-80m. Speed day is 90-
100% effort but with a lot of recovery, if not full recovery.
Tuesday – Special Endurance Day
- 4x300m @ 90-95% w/15min recovery
Goal: Today’s goal is to work on an athlete’s lactic acid tolerance which is 300-600m. Special
endurance day is 90-100% effort but with a lot of recovery, if not full recovery. We are looking
for quality not quantity.
Wednesday – Low Impact/Recovery Day
- Hip mobility OR walking recovery
- Jumping day
- Weight room
Goal: Today’s goal is to work stay active but act as a recovery day. This day gives athletes a day
to bounce back from the first hard day going into the second hard day.
Thursday – Speed Endurance
- 6x150m @ 90-95% w/5-6min recovery
Goal: Today’s goal is to work on an athlete’s anaerobic glycolytic system. Speed endurance day
is 90-100% effort. Again, we are looking for quality not quantity.
Friday – Pre-Meet
Goal: Today’s goal is to recovery and get ready for the meet. Today will consists of handoffs,
blocks, or any last adjustments for the meet.
Saturday – Meet Day
Goal: Today’s goal is represent the school in a positive manor and compete as a team or
individually. Also, another goal is to hit PRs.
Water Breaks: There is no specific time for water breaks. Athletes are able to get whatever
Equipment: hurdles, stopwatches, running spikes, and weight room equipment
Closers: To end practice we will always break down as a team led by an athlete. Also, the
coaching staff would talk about what things went well, things could be better as a team such as
attitude, and what to look forward to the next day.
Warm Up: (SMSU Track & Field, 2017)
Core & Spinal Activation (10reps each)
1. Cat and cow
2. Keeling bow & arch
3. Eccentric quad
4. Push ups
5. Scorpions
6. Trunk twist
7. Golf swings
Dynamic Warm Ups (20m each)
1. Walking toe touch
2. Leg swings
3. Walking quad pull
4. Lateral groan stretch
5. A-skips
6. B-skips
7. C-skips
8. High knees
9. Butt kicks
10. Heel walking
11. Tip toe walking
30m, 60m, 90m
Cool Down:
400-800m jog/walk
Static stretching – arms & legs
Core Monday – 300
Core Wednesday – plank work
(M. Strate, personal communication, January 24, 2018)
(SMSU Track & Field, personal communication, 2018)

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