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Janeth Mora

EDU 214



Artifact Description: (Dream Home) Design your own 2-dimensional dream home using

various tools, line, circle, rectangle, and polygon, fill, and text box.

What I learned: Designing my dream home forced me to imagine something and make it come

to life. I’ve always day dreamed about a dream home, but I never actually thought the design

through and put it into a complete project. It takes more time than I thought because you must

make sure that everything fits and that it is not crowded. I had to be creative and use multiple

shapes to create the outline of the house that I wanted. In the beginning, it was hard for me to put

what I had in my head into an actual design, but once I started, my imagination started to flow.

ISTE National Education Technology Standards for Student Addressed: Standard #4 4a:

Students select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design process that considers design

constraints and calculated risks.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: This is a fun project for kids to do because it

requires brainstorming and skills, but it is enjoyable and creative too. Students could create the

design on a computer and then build a 3-D model. This is an excellent example of integrating

technology into younger classrooms.

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