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Concealed revealed a revolution a solution without bloodshed finally. Disciplic

succession has placed in my possession Complete so sweet a satisfying taste for an
empty race
There's a fire in the city a fool won't admit it and only a fool will sit right in
it Truth has been spoken for all mankind and if you search for peace then you can
find The blind will stay blind if they're inclined but the wise will apply in this
crucial time In illusion in confusion the world's greatest brains create more
problems not solutions Expand our bold stand there can be hope for modern man!

It's the message of the Bhagavat

History of the universe 18,000 verses for our edification

I sat like an ass in class for 14 years at last I got some real education
Extinguishing the fire of our workaday life that burns and burns us until we break
Illuminating rejuvenating not degenerating giving shelter to the people who want
truth Truth has been spoken for all mankind and it's a sad mad world when you can
find Man confined to the grind and they don't even mind to be working for some jerk
and leave their life behind In illusion in confusion and don't think there won't be
any retribution Expand our bold stand there can be hope for modern man!



There's a war in the day no peace at night

There's blood on the hands of man yet we don't sympathize
The meateater kills the cows they just depersonalize to justify their own lust as
the helpless die And it's ironic how we cry for world peace but the violence won't
decrease unless our murders cease.
So understand in the slaughter-house who's the beast and I demand that the innocent
be released

Well I've tried the best I can. I've tried to understand civilized man so-called
civilized man Yes I've tried the best I can but who can understand civilized man?

Guilt free so-called morality. Fallacy.

The 4 foods groups just western medicine quackery (meat would be) $35 a pound but
our taxes subsidize as 35 million starve as we gormandize The grains that could
feed the world go to their industry to fatten up the cattle for death and I protest
Rain forests once here kiss goodbye the biosphere ozone nightmare just see the
people don't even care!

Guilt free we overlooked the blood and brutality and the TV propaganda covers
heinous reality A plea to the people of this land to do what they can with hope for
a civilized man



Just see he uses love for sex and sure she uses sex for love
and they're both hoping for the best I also have that dream you're thinking of If
we place a blindfold on our eyes iron and gold appear the same It's intense hope
that makes us try so we go on and play the game
And once again we get attached and think we've found the answer
Here we go again
Ran into many walls but I know I'll get that answer
Here we go again
We loved not wisely but too well...

We're hoping (s)he will be the one but we never learn from our mistakes And based
on beauty love soon dies then we make our move to separate Yes iron and gold appear
the same but one is costly to obtain And I'll be the only one to blame if I resist
I know I'll gain



I have been born in the age of thoughtlessness and I too commit the crime of living
in this world considering all to be mine The earth the air the sun the trees like a
body all work in perfect harmony Will we fit into the system or create the disease?

Our greatest wealth it has been lost I'd like to get it back at any cost We dare
live in this world without appreciation

Appreciate it's getting late we've sealed our fate with all the damage that has
been done So much destruction so a few can have some fun
I contemplate and I dedicate to getting myself out of this pathetic state of living
without giving in a world where we're forced to become so numb

And despite all I say I get carried away I took for granted it's easier not to
think than to appreciate and my cultures disease has got the best of me and now I
pray that it's not too late



In my world where I'm the king I can't tolerate anything

and because of this I'm suffering all along
In my universe I can't be wrong all those opposed just move along cross my path and
you'll be gone c'mon

Empathy, empathy will I empathize?

Empathize can I look through your eyes
I'll find different paradigms
and different minds
never two of a kind
and it'll bring me back down to size again

I live in a world where I'm the center of it all and everyone else seems so small
That was the beginning of my downfall
I never see through your lens friend and I'm gonna break if I don't bend Is it too
late to make amends? no!



Based on pigment a war begins We've got two souls wrapped in different skin Won't
take it back it's a fact no one can win C'mon you can see the shape the world is in
And what's the fate of our state that never learns from past mistakes, can you
You better pray everyday the dam don't break, I say hey you better pray it's not
too late.
And mention the tension isn't pretty, you can feel it in the city You've got to
watch your back expect attack I always feel like I'm ready for combat Yes yes we're
spirit souls within this world and I know that I'm free, and I know that we're
ready for a modification

Yes yes I'm convinced we're not this flesh can you hear what I'm saying? Yes yes
I'm convinced I'm not this flesh can you hear me?

Ignorance of identity we've created enmity

Denigration of a civilization and that's our explanation when it all falls down Our
bloods both red when blood is shed I've heard the news there's one more dead Just
see the way that we've been bred we've lost ourselves and we've lost our
identification And it's evil the people live in fear you can feel it in the air
It begins thinking we're skin which overlooks what we're within
So why digress? This simple point will cause so much distress
Don't rate me hate me deprecate me or be ready for the ramifications

Watch the city crumble humbled they don't even know what slapped them in the face
We've got to instigate and educate a spiritual solution
And we won't sit we won't conceal because many feel
the way I feel and many want this earth to heal I've got a voice of an entire



I've always wanted more I couldn't settle for second best in life and end up like
the rest I know out of thousands only one will come forward
A narrow gate that I'm gonna go for

I'll try but I may not succeed but if I know I took that chance well that's all I
need I'll try let the world disagree but I'm gonna take that chance

The hour glass drops sand as we waste our time we stay on standby as time destroys
all in it's way wasting days be we've got to move

Success and failure in this world all the same mere games that won't remain So
what's getting ahead unless we transcend? For that I'm gonna try and try again



Earth can be a lonely place

Blank stares on the peoples' face
I contemplate their pointless chase
that traps me and my friends
Is this the place where I belong?
Where did we go wrong?
Will it last real long?
Are you too singing this song?

Sometimes I feel it
Sometimes I feel so all alone
And yes yes I must confess I feel so far from home

Mantra take me home I trust you

Mantra take me take me to the place where I belong

Life's a puzzle the thoughtful solve

but most choose not to get involved
Because of this we don't evolve
Just look around my friend
And life's meaning can be hard to grasp
All that's certain is it won't last
We're all spirits looking for transcendence
Oh mantra grant me that independence



Promises of paradise, to you I sacrifice my life

I'll take you with me to my after-life if I could
Yeah just have faith it will begin, filling that void that lies within; turn off
your brain and tune on in, you know you should You're in the center of our family
lord of our home;
You're the one we turn to when we're alone
I've got faith in your words I live what you say;
Oh yes I accept will you show me the way?

And you know you better pray!

You better your Television

Gather 'round and come to mass; religiously drag your lazy ass
We just listen we don't ask ain't that the truth?
Our morning meditation, our daily routine
Prime time communion keeps the consciousness clean
The prophets are the stars worshiped on our screen
proselytized, hypnotized by a machine!

Opiate of the masses have you bowed down yet?

Looking for reality but static's all I get
So many problems in life but now they're easy to forget
How can I repay the debt to my T.V. Set ?!



We were friends since school the punks were never cool but we didn't care any way
And even in the scene when it was cool to be mean we walked the other way Rebels
from birth this world had no worth but then you went astray one day And I don't
think it's right that you gave up the fight and walked away; you ran away

We could of made that change,

we could of set this world,
this world on fire;
what happened to your desire
How did you think that I would feel?
Didn't you think I was for real?
I know it's been so long since then
but it's time I sent this letter to my friend

We had dreams and schemes that they laughed about but we didn't care anyway I feel
hurt and confused when I think of you Where do you stand my friend is it too late?
We stayed up all night and talked about life we seemed so sober those days We stood
side by side and I don't know why you threw it away, What can you say?

Well I'm gonna make that change

I'm gonna set this world on fire
Who cares about your petty desires



Born selfish blind and ignorant and my schooling gave me knowledge but never any
wisdom And in addition the television programmed my brain through it's constant
repetition Misdirected infected with mundane roles and goals and heroes
And although life really has purpose I wasted my youth in a social circus Told what
is best for me but I've seen their destiny Our leaders ignominy reconfirm my
concern to rearrange and change my life I'll vow. I'll vow right here and now no
more time wasting just edification purification we can direct our future

This life, this life has no meaning unless we grow

I know there's no use for all this screaming unless we grow

Born foolish dull and self absorbed but my life's dedicated to reformation and
education in a nation that thinks great pleasure is a Disney vacation I never fit
in to their system I couldn't understand people wasting their time with so called
love and drugs and occupations while outside the window is a crumbling nation So I
searched for sincerity and lost popularity, well
what do they want from me? If I lost friends they never were my friends at all!
To find the real me through introspection and austerity
is my life's mission my ambition, I've got a vision to change my destiny

Things don't change- we must change

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