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SECTION A - (20 x 1 = 20 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Each question carry 1 marks.

Fill up the blanks:

1. Development implies ___ change.

2. At birth, brain weight is ___ of the baby's total weight.

3. Girls tend to ___ more rapidly than boys.

4. During middle age the teeth become ___.

5. Old age begins at approximately ___ years.

Say True or False:

6. The mature ovum always contains an X chromosome

7. At birth, the emotions appear in completely undifferentiated forms.

8. Puberty is labeled as negative phase.

9. Middle age is called a crisis age.

10. Cold age people show poor adjustments.

Match the following:

11.The male sex cells (a) Desire for rejuvenation.

12.Early childhood (b) Spermatozoan.

13. Adolescence (c) Problem age.

14. Middle age (d) Storm and stress.

15. Old age (e) The surrogate-parent role.

Give the meaning of:

16. Breech birth.

17. Baby talk.

18. Crib death.

19. Cultural gap.

20. Youth drug

SECTION B - (5 x 6 = 30 marks)

Write short notes on the following.

All questions carry equal marks.

21. (a) Bring out the recent focus of interest in the lifespan.


(b) Explain the determination of sex in fertilization.

22. (a) Discuss the speech development during babyhood.


(b) Elucidate the play in early childhood.

23. (a) Discuss the body changes at puberty.


(b) Discuss the adolescent social groupings.

24. (a) Discuss the sexual changes during middle age.

(b) Discuss the adjustment to singlehood in middle age.

25. (a) Enumerate the characteristics of old age.


(b) How do old age people adjust to retirement.

SECTION C - (5 x 10= 50 marks)

Write essay answer for all the questions

26. (a) Discuss the hazards of infancy.


(b) Outline the factors influencing attitudes towards development changes.

27. (a) Explain socialization in early childhood.


(b) Examine the play interests and activities in late childhood.

28. (a) Bring out the characteristics of adolescence.


(b) Examine the factors influencing adult recreation.

29. (a) Explain the social adjustments during middle age.


(b) Discuss the material hazards in middle age.

30. (a) How do old age people adjust to physical changes.


(b) Enumerate the common characteristics of good and poor adjustment in old age.

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