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18 Easy English Lessons for Every Beginner Language Skill

Babies usually speak their first word after their first birthday.

By the time they turn two, their vocabulary expands to about 100 words.

When they turn four, they have conversation skills that are comparable to adults!

You’ll follow a similar pattern as an English language learner.

In other words, the first step is often the hardest.

But once you master the basics, your skills will skyrocket.

The problem is that many beginners often struggle to find the right lessons for their learning style and
level. And even when they do find great lessons, those lessons usually only focus on a narrow part of the
English language.

In this post, we’ve searched the whole internet and picked the easiest and the best lessons for beginner
English learners on a wide range of language skills.

This master list covers all the basic topics that any learner needs before going further into their English
learning journey.

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