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Joseline Zavala

HCOM 312
April 11, 2018

Similarities and Distinctions of U.S. and Chile Government

The main concept of government is the governing authority of a political unit,

which aims to direct, control and administer state institutions, as well as to regulate a

political society and exercise authority. But at the same time the government is the people

who represent us in the society and protects our rights. Today we can observe many

similarities and distinctions in different governments around the world. Some of these

similarities or distinctions can be some as unique for each country. In this essay I will

define the similarities and dictions in two countries: Chile and The United States; and as

a conclusion I will highlight which government system is more effective representing

their people.

Some qualities of the type of government between the United States and Chile are

very similar. Both countries poses the same braches; executive, legislative and judicial.

Also both countries are under representative democratic republic. The United States, and

Chile are also one of the most admirable countries around the world. For many years

Chile was dominated by the Spanish and later ruled by a dictatorship. However,

regardless of all these bad experiences todays Chile is known as one of the most

prominent and competitive countries in the world economy.

One of the most notable differences between Chile and the United States is the

place that women represent in politics. Throughout U.S. history its government along

with the vote of its people, have elected 45 male presidents into office. In 1872 Victoria

Woodhull, was the first woman to announce as a candidate for the presidency,

unfortunately she lost this election to Ulysses S. Grant, Rep., but paved a path for more

women rights. In the 2016 presidential elections Hillary Clinton announced her

candidacy for president, receiving a lot of positive and negative criticism shows that the

nation has yet to overcome its gender equality. Mrs. Clinton advocated for more equality

between genders and giving a voice to woman, but after being one of the last candidates,

her loss to Mr. Trump did not end there, she has giving women hope and a role in

government. In contrast, Chile is a country where they value women and encourage their

role in government. For the first time in Chilean history, the title of president was

awarded to a woman; Veronica Michelle Bachelet Jeria obtained this position during two

terms, from 2006 to 2010, and 2014 to 2018.

Furthermore, one quality that the United States is more superior over Chile is in

the Constitution. The Constitution of the United States was written to guarantee for

life, the rights, and liberties of the Americans. The document has also been a source

of inspiration for patriots from all latitudes that they want to establish a same

constitution. In contrast, the constitution of Chile was created with the same

intentions but was modified by the dictator Augusto Pinochet during his

dictatorship in 1980. During the modification of the constitution he renamed

himself president of Chile without any valid and democratic electoral process. The

Constitution of Chile has been changed around 31 times. According to newspaper

“The Santiago Times” president Bachelet proposes a new constitution for Chile.

According to the newspaper Brachelet “thinks that a constitution has to be a weapon

that defends and represents the Chilean population and represents their right.” Also

“believed that this constitution still have articles that do not represent citizens

equally and also does not accept the ideas of a dictatorship.”

Finally, both countries have a well-structured government; the United States

shares a better constitution in question of the protection of laws and liberties of the

people. The Constitution of the United States has remained intact for many years. Since

it was designed to prevent any form of absolutist power of any president. A different

point of view is the constitution of Chile that suffered an alteration by the dictatorship.

Some articles still contain features of the dictatorship such as the “binomial system” that

is contrary to democracy. Unlike the United States, Chile supports its people, in

maintaining woman equality in government. Chilean government represents the equality

of woman and men and believes that both have the same rights and opportunities.

Unfortunality for the United States man and women distinctions are very unclear, they

share the same laws and right, but when it comes to representation within the corporate

and business world, these rules do not apply, such as differences in wages/salaries and

political positions.

(Word Count 755)

Work Cited

“Branches of Government.” USAGov,

“Chile - Politics, Government, and Taxation.” Encyclopedia of the Nations.

“Constitutional History of Chile.” ConstitutionNet,

“President Bachelet Proposes New Constitution for Chile (VIDEO).” The Santiago



“The Constitution of the United States: A Transcription.” National Archives and Records

Administration, National Archives and Records Administration,

“The United States and Chile: The Fact Sheets.” National Archives and Records

Administration, National Archives and Records Administration,


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