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I SCHOLASTIC rc [r\7>) al PCY eet a Wio)RIDIS KIDS NEED m0. KNowaBy, Dear Family Member, Your fifth grader already hes quite c large vocabulary, which he of she has acquired indirectly by watching television, videos, and mavies, by lisiening to and talking with odults and other children, and by reading a variety of materials. Scholastic’s 100 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know by 5th Grade will provide direct instruction tor Increasing your child's vocabulary—end for Impraving reading, writing, and testing skills. ‘The 10 words in this workbook are words thatifth graders encounter frequently. These words holp children expand thelr vocabularies thiough ward building. And linguists estimate that for every new word children leam, they actually Incorpotate sic or seven other words inte their vocabulary in the process. ‘You cre an important part of that process. As your filh grader moves through the fun and engaging activities in this workbook, you may want to = Raad the dictionary pages af the beginning of each word group together. Tale about familiar situations in which you might use these words. Doing thls helps your child understand word meanings and learn them quicker. ® Offer to. help your child with a few of the pages at the beginning of each word group until he or she becomes familiar with the words in that group, c © Ask-your child to read out loud. Reading out loud helps a child gain tuency and coniidence and learn the correct pronunciation of uniamiliar words. Be sure fo give your child fime to lisién to himself of herself and sell-correct, ® Spelling counts in leaming new words, Help your child look for spalling pattems that he C or she already knows, » Use some of these 100 words in everyday conversation with your child. » Encourage your fifth grader to read, read, red! We've Included a sel of tun bookmarks with vocabulary strategies and dictionary tips for your child fo use when reading—because thar's what vocabulary development is all about: buliding song readers! of . 77 Joan Feiwel Scholastic Publishes, Senior Vice President A Note About the 100 Words The 100 words in this book were carefully chosen trom master word lists developed by educators and linguists, For case of use, we have provided definitions fam our Schofasti¢ Children's Dictionary. In some cases, the word from the 100 Words list appears near or at the end of the detinition of its root word rather than as its own entry. For example, annoyance, fiom Werd Group 1, appears near the end of the definition for ‘annoy an page ?. PECCT CC ET EE TERS TOTES abbhEhtt ett 2494090909 PPTTCTC PSUR TCOD EC CSCO DE SOS ES EROS SEES eeeeees ea eee bth able hbk Group 1 abolish abrupt accomplish acquaintance adapt Group 3 communicate conclude conquer consult contact Group 2 appreciate advantage ‘authority ambition automatic armnuse boundary annoyance broadcast appointment Group 4 destruction contribute on Sl elaborate deceive Ss declare caus defend SeeCCTCCT CVSS CHESSER SER ERSSERETESE campaign cease eetemony ¢ircumstance collapse esteem estimate evidence exaggeration extinction

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