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Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral

Name: Kevin Josue Torres Mayorga

Course: Nº 2

Teacher: Darguin Padilla

Homework: Nº 5

Date: 16/12/2018

II Term 2018

Should schools move to digital textbooks?

Books in physics, are being left behind by the speed of learning that is required at
present, due to the didactic limitations that a book can offer, compared to other methods, such
as videos, audios, animations, simulations among others. These are one of the many
disadvantages of books in physics, because apart from being few didacts, are heavy, since you
consist of many sheets of paper, another disadvantage, as this causes deforestation due to the
development of books. The digitalization of books is an intelligent way out of these problems or
disadvantages, since many more didactic methods can be implemented in a digital platform than
in a physical book; students would no longer have to carry the weight of the books, since the
books will be like digital documents on their tablets, or tablets from their schools.

As has been said, digitizing books has many advantages, one of them is to facilitate the
purchase of books, via internet, which can be purchased through your cell phone or computer,
and this would save us the annoying search of books in different stores, since the physical books
have a stock in each store.

Making books sufficiently didactic has always been a challenge for the authors of the
books, since they must use a lot of imagination to make their content reach the reader, only by
the textual medium; digitization would help to add educational content, such as videos, audios,
panoramic images, etc.

The portability of digital books compared to physical books, often, children often have
back pain because the backpack for school, or school is very heavy due to the weight of the
books, this would not happen if the books are digital, which would be in one on a tablet, which
weight is small compared to books.

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