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5-Year Plan

In five years, I plan to be graduating from a distinguished university with a major in

International Relations and a minor in French or Linguistics. After graduation I would either like

to work for the State Department or continue my education with a law degree in International


In order to realize this plan, I would need to graduate in 2020 and be accepted to a

distinguished university. Then, I would need to complete appropriate coursework and graduate

from the university. The high school graduation is no problem. As it stands now, I can graduate

this June 2019 but that would unwise. I have not applied to colleges for Fall 2019 and cannot

find meaningful employment until I turn 18.

I am very excited for the coursework and experiences that will accompany university life.

I can’t wait for the in-depth classes and learned professors. I do not anticipate too much trouble

in graduating from a university but who knows. In order to attain my goal, I would like to

graduate with honors and multiple majors or minors if possible.

Setting goals for the future is important but priorities and circumstances may change with

college and other events. No one can foresee something that might change my goals as they

stand now. As much as planning is stressed, I’d like to be adaptable for the next five years.

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