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Kassandra Suarez

Ms. Garcia

Senior Portfolio

24 April 2019

The title for this assignment is Disobedience Argumentative Essay. This assignment was

assigned to me my first semester of junior year. The class had a week to complete the assignment

and I turned it in November 2017. For this assignment I was asked to argue whether

disobedience was a valuable trait to have or not. I had to choose and support my choice of

disobedience creating social progress. I chose my side of disobedience creating social progress

because I feel that our world today has been shaped by all types of rebellious acts. In order to

support this choice I used real world examples like the Boston tea party, the black lives matter

movement, and kids learning from those who have been disobedient. I used the example of the

Boston Tea Party because if we did not rebel, England would have still been taxing us ridiculous

prices on tea. I chose the black lives matter movement because people were being disobedient

against the law, so that they could make a difference and protect innocent lives. The last example

that I chose was kids learning from disobedient behaviors because in school we learn about all

types of protest and to fight for our rights so we should do the same. This assignment is

argumentative because we had to choose a side and argue as to why we believe it is correct. We

also had to make a counter argument with a rebuttal in the essay which is where we had to think

of an argument the other side might have and then shut that idea down with evidence. The

rebuttal and counter argument I used was that people will see those being disobedient as, “being

a brat” or

“throwing a fit”. I then stated that they are were not throwing a fit but fighting for what they

believe is right.

The SLO met in this assignment was critical thinker. For this assignment I was a critical

thinker because I had to analyze and annotate the Oscar Wilde text my teacher gave us to figure

out what he believed. As well as, when I had to think about moments in history and now a days

that would support my claim. Lastly, I was a critical thinker when I thought about an argument

that the opposing side would say and figuring out how to shut their argument down.

Prior to this essay I never knew how to write an argumentative essay. After working on it,

it helped me improve my writing skills as well as my critical thinking skills. Now I know how to

write an argumentative essay. I also know how to think of examples for my argumentative essays

way faster. I can still focus on improving my grammar in my essays and my format. I can

improve my critical thinking skill by coming up with better examples that would fit my essay

topic. In college when I will need to write many essays I will be able use my skills of writing and

argumentative essays. I will be able to use my critical thinker skill when I have to work on any

assignment in college whether it be an English or math assignment.

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