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Appreciation Paper

The person I appreciate most in my life is my father. Despite the cliche of it all, he is the

one that influenced my life up until this point. The things he has dealt with and persevered

through have shaped him and then been used to shape me and my personality. I owe him and my

mother, the essence of who I am as a person. Not only that but he is there to push me to do better

in school and life. He has made many bad decisions in the past and has gained knowledge from

them that he now passes on to me.

Without my father, I would be a very different person then the one I am today, for better

or for worse. There is probably no other person in the world that I am more similar to. Now this

can be a scary thought especially when you know the decisions your parents have made. Yet, I

choose to embrace it and my father for who he is and appreciate him for everything he’s done.

My dad’s passion for education is definitely something not lost on me. Having heard the

speech dozens of times about his three degrees and time spent in school. He pushes me to set my

goals for my education even higher than his own. Not to mention his many warnings about

student loan debt. I appreciate that he is concerned for my future and I am proud of my family’s

long history of education.

Finally, my dads interactions with people and charisma is inspiring. Since I was little, he

has taken me to many a social event and I have tagged along in his many conversations. Aspiring

to one day be the next “Mr Chambers”. Or perhaps “Ambassador Chambers” which I know

would make him proud and best him at the same time.

All in all, I deeply appreciate my dad and everything he has done for me. Without him

who knows where I might’ve ended up. All I know is that my influence is in good hands.

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