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Pride Sample

One thing I am proud of, besides my academic accomplishments and the academic

accomplishments of my family, is my resurgence into the sport of soccer. Soccer was a huge part

of my childhood but I gave it up for football. This year I went back to it and had a lot of fun.

For one, I am proud of myself for going out on a limb and trying the sport again. I had

never played for Merced high in the past and I only knew a couple of players. I’m very glad that

the risk worked out. Although I wasn’t on varsity, I got tons of playing time and fell in love with

a position turns out I had some talent for. So I’m proud of myself for embracing the new position

and trying my best. In one game, I actually recorded something like 23 saves which is quite a lot

if you are familiar with soccer. This new position felt the best for me and without a little courage,

I never would’ve known.

Returning to the sport definitely rekindled my love for the game and allowed me to meet

new people. So all in all that is one thing I am very proud of.

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