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5 Year Plan

My plan for the next five years are a little all over the place if I'm being honest. I

have the basics but I'm not completely sure what exactly I'm going to be doing or how

everything thing is going to pan out. I will be attending Fresno State in the 2019 Fall

season and I am aiming for a four-year degree. The reason as to why I chose this

school is one, they have a fantastic forensics program there along with one of the best

forensic facilities in the United States of America that all sorts of evidence from different

states are sent there to be analyzed. And two they have an amazing band program that

I'm really excited to join and hopefully make the cut. Also, I've heard a lot of good things

about the college and I know most of the campus layout which is definitely a plus for

me, and ever since I was a kid this has always been my dream school to go to so “Yay”

for me for making it in. I was planning on taking forensic science as my major and

possibly music as a minor but I'm not completely sure about it yet about the minor part.

Also, I know that I'll be moving there either sometime in July or early August into an

apartment by myself. Am I ready to move by myself? I have no clue yet but I know that

I'll be ready to take care of myself and my studies. I'm thinking about getting an

apartment somewhere near the college so it's easier for me to commute but it doesn't

really matter to me honestly. Really anything I can get into I will take since I just need a

place to stay. As for a job I was thinking either working on campus at the bookstore or at

a fast food restaurant such as Five Guys, Starbucks, McDonalds and such. The reason

why I would get a job like this is that it would work best with my school and band

schedule. Or I could possibly get an intern job somewhere on campus but I'm aiming
more for a fast food job. I've worked in places that have served food and personally I

really enjoy it, especially making the food. I have no clue as to why but I find it fun and

exciting working somewhere and just being either in service to others or helping others

out. I would like to work part-time throughout the week or either full time on the

weekends so I could get some work experience under my belt. As for money though, I'm

not that worried about it even though it would be nice to make a lot of money but I'm

more worried about the experience. My parents had offered to help me pay for college

and the money that I would make for work would go to them. They don't know that yet

but I would like to hopefully pay them back all the money that they spent on me for my

education. I would only need money for food, rent, and my books. Not really any fun

stuff since I would want to focus more on my education than hanging out, also I don't

really go and party as it is since it doesn't really interest in it or I'm usually too caught up

with the band to go and party. My future career goal is to become a Crime Scene

Investigator or also known as CSI. It's been my dream to always work in the field ever

since I was little. I do see myself in the future working in this career field even if it's not

that exact job and personally, I'm just happy to be working in any career in that field of

work. I will definitely require more education within these next 5 years and possibly

more in order to get into my career. Also, I know I wouldn't be able to jump right into my

job but I would have to start from the bottom and work myself up by training and trying

to become the best I can at my job so I can become promoted. As for my experience,

the classes I would be taking in college would help me gain more knowledge in my

career but also I feel as though I would need to continue working in my job to gain work
experience as well. Overall I'm hoping that everything works out in the next five years

for me.

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