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Suarez Kassandra

Ms. Kopaitich

ERWC Block: 6

14 November 2018

Personal Statement Question #6

In the world, there are many unanswered questions that people have. An example of

question that some people might have is, are we the only living life form in the galaxy? People

wonder what secrets our government might be hiding or what the entertainment industry is

hiding from us all. There are many conspiracy theories surfacing around the world about our

government, celebrities, and the entertainment world. Conspiracy theories are beliefs that some

influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event. This topic interested me

because it interesting to think about secrets in the world.

I was first introduced to conspiracy theories through one of my favorite youtubers, Shane

Dawson. The first video of his that I saw was a scary conspiracy video where he discussed the

matrix and the mandela effect. During this video I thought to myself, “wow this is so interesting,

I wonder what other conspiracies there are.” After I watched the video I searched on Shane’s

youtube channel to see if he had any more videos like that. It turned out he did and I watched

them all. Shane introduced me to a new dark and interesting world. I started to watch other

youtubers who had similar videos, like, Kendall Rae. I even started to follow conspiracy pages

on Twitter.
I fell in love with conspiracy theories because some are dark and scary, and some are

funny and outrageous. Although I like the funny conspiracies, I think my favorites are the dark

and scary ones. When reading conspiracy theories or watching videos about them, I get this

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feeling I can not describe. I tend to feel a mixture of being scared, intrigued, and I want to know

more. I also love them because you do not know if they are true. It is fun hearing people back up

a theory with information that makes the theory seem true. I also love it because I’m the type of

person who likes to argue and prove that I am correct by stating facts. Conspiracy theories are

like that except you are proving a point to the world.

There are many different conspiracy theories out in the world. One of my favorite

theories would be the mandela effect. The mandela effect is a theory about having a false

memory about an event that did not occur. This is one of the more light-hearted theories. One

example of this theory is people remembering The Berenstain Bears children’s book being

spelled Berenstein but it is actually Berenstain. Another conspiracy theory that is still light-

hearted but darker, is the conspiracy about the television show Rugrats. The conspiracy says that

none of the babies actually existed. The babies are all made up by Angelica. This theory states

that Angelica is mentally ill and imagines the babies. Lastly, a more serious conspiracy theory is

the flat Earth theory. The flat Earth theory is that people believe that the Earth is not round but

flat. These are only some conspiracies among a long list of conspiracy theories out in the world.

In conclusion, conspiracy theories are very interesting. You can hear scary or funny

conspiracies. There is a conspiracy for everyone. If you are not interested in conspiracies right

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now or have never heard any, I think you should look into them. Once people look into

conspiracy theories they will be intrigued.

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