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My magazine outlines the local housing market issue.

I have multiple essays that I have

written myself based off of a lot of research. Many of the places I had in mind for the

informative essays are later shown in my positional photo essay. The magazine shows how the

housing market in Salt Lake City, Utah, is affecting the people who live here. I also talk a lot

about how high the prices of the apartments or homes get. In my positional essay, I show my

views of the housing market and how they affect people around my age and generation.

This magazine is meant to show facts and statistics of the Salt Lake City housing

economy. Some readers will agree and will be able to use this information to help make a

change, others will read this magazine to look at the raw facts of the situation. This magazine is

meant for everyone who has an interest in Salt Lake City and may want to live here, or already

do. This magazine will also help people in the city know what is happening to their homes. Any

reader will see that there is facts in this magazine that is properly backed up by many sources.

The magazine is meant to inform the people of Salt Lake City of a rapidly growing issue,

an issue that affects all of us so much. This also shows the issue in just one place, when in

reality, the national housing economy is rising making it so people can’t afford to live in various

cities. The magazine outlines the issue that these people have to deal with. I show many of the

prices and how they have risen over the years. The information effect project shows many of the

statistics and facts of the current housing economy. The person that I chose for the profile project

was Derek Kitchen, a state senator for Utah. I decided to highlight what he is doing for the city.

The two essays give the magazine a perspective that shows the facts and what is being done. The

prices are raising and ‘so and so’ is doing this to lower the prices of housing in Salt Lake City.

Then the magazine shows my positional photo essay of the housing market in Salt Lake. The

magazine goes from neutral to my opinion as the writer of the essays and the magazine.
Many of the readers that I think will view this magazine, I believe, will live in Salt Lake

City. I think it will be good for the readers and people who reside in the Salt Lake City area to be

able to relate to the circumstances that we live in. I want the people of Salt Lake be able to learn

more about the city they live in, and even the houses or apartments that they own or rent. This

magazine could help Salt Lake City see a major change, it can show the residents of this city the

facts of the housing economy.

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