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I often think about all of the people who have helped me get to where I am at this point

and I am grateful to say that there is, and always has been a lot of support. One person comes to

mind because she helped me in ways that no one has before.

My freshman year I signed a paper to join this Gateway Scholars program ran through

UC Merced. I wasn’t sure what it was and I didn’t think I would be enough to be in it. I met the

woman who changed it all for me, Patty Zarco. She assured me that I was enough to be in the

program, and to pursue higher education. I really had no idea being that I am a first generation


Not only did Patty help me stay on track academically, and guide me through the

confusing process of high school and college, but she was there for me outside of school. She

genuinely cared about my life outside of school, and wanted to know how I was doing at all

times. During some of the most stressful times of high school, her door was always open to me

and she always lent me a shoulder to cry on, literally. She became a closer and closer part of my

family when we made the connection that her boyfriend and my mom went to school together.

Now Patty and my mom became good friends and the support was stronger than ever.

Patty pushed me, and she knew me better than I did sometimes which helped when it

came to making decisions. She always kept me level headed and reminded me to stay on track

with my goals. Because of Patty, I am now attending my dream University from sophomore year,

I am well informed, and confident in my future. No one has been able to do that for me or help

me the way she helped me. I wouldn’t be where I am today without her, and I really mean that.
Patty left Merced High right before the second semester of my senior year and it was

really hard, but she stayed in touch and helped me whenever she could. I will always and forever

thank her for the work she did for me, and other students on campus.

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