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To whom it may concern:

I have had the absolute pleasure of having Tyshianna Evans in my class for the

2018-2019 school year. Watching Tyshianna grow as an individual and as an aid has been truly

remarkable. She is one of my few students who is always open to a challenging and rigorous

environment and she welcomes difficulties with an open and willing mind. So far in the year, I

have noticed many great and rare qualities that make Tyshianna truly stand out.

Tyshianna has proven to be a reliable, respectful and positive individual both inside and

outside of my art classroom. Not only does Tyshianna uphold an impressive GPA of a 4.0, she

was sophomore class president, a three time National Champion, and she is a member of the

Black Student Union and Leadership clubs on campus.

Upon observing Tyshianna in a learning environment I have noticed that she is

meticulous about following challenging step-by-step directions and she makes sure to perfect

anything she does, no matter how many tries it might take her. She has a natural tendency to

work with precision and great care in every project she has done in my class so far. In addition to

this, I have noticed that Tyshianna is a great group member and is always making valuable
contributions to team-work efforts and collaborative tasks. Any team would be truly fortunate to

have her on board.

Perhaps the most impressive quality about Tyshianna is her willingness to put others first

while maintaining her own success. She has never hesitated to help others in times of need or

take charge when she needs to. Without a doubt in my mind, I know that her communication

skills and leadership qualities in combination with her kind demeanor will make her successful in

any career she pursues.

Without any reservation, Tyshianna has the highest recommendation I could possibly

give. If you need more information or clarification, please don’t hesitate to email me at​ or call at (209) 230-7329.


Amelia Amador

ECHS Art Teacher

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