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There are many people that affect your life in numerous ways, some more than

others. They can change you as a person and influence you in more ways that you

could possibly think of. For me, that person would be my sister. She has become more

of a role model for me than anyone else and I want to be able to follow in her footsteps.

She is someone that has been involved with my life since I was born and is still very

much of a part of it today.

I can’t describe what I was like before my sister was in my life since she has

been a part of it since I entered this world, and I can’t really imagine how I might be if

she was never here. I would not have a major role model in my life outside my parents,

and many of my traits and qualities I have would probably be different because my

sister has influenced many of those traits and qualities I have. She has always been a

great student and worked hard, and I try my best to be the same way she was. She

never got into any kind of trouble, and also did her best to make a positive impact on the

lives of others. Sports has always been a major matter in my life, and the first sport I

loved was soccer. It’s no coincidence that my sister always played soccer and I went to

all her games, and we went to multiple professional games together. She was a great

example to look up to in terms of trying to become a good athlete as she was always a

starter. The traits and qualities that my sister has have definitely found their way into

my life as well.
There is a difference of seven years between my sister and I, and the path that

our lives have taken are similar. We both went to the same middle school and high

school, and have both always had very good grades, although hers were higher than

mine are. We share the same mom, but have different dads. We both have had at

least two very good father figures in our lives that we love, and both look a lot like our

mother. The similarities between us are very obvious, and I would be lying if I were to

say that her personality and traits have not rubbed off on me. She has been influencing

me since the time that I was born, and will continue to do so for many years.

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