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Year one out of Highschool is going to be a culture shock.

From the comfort of

the High school to the challenges of college, will be the first step I take. Starting up at

the Merced community college and then transferring to Stanislaus after two years is my

college plan. After College, I will get my teaching credentials, then become an

Elementary school teacher.

Next school year I will start my freshman year of college at Merced community

college. I will be taking some of my basic education classes. During this time I hope to

be working at an entry-level job such as a teachers aide or something of the sort. I will

try to get as much experience with children as possible like volunteering at my younger

siblings’ schools and at daycares.

My second year at the JC, the plan is basically the same. But during this year I

plan to start my transfer to CSU Stanislaus. I will be deciding if I will be moving away for

college or staying home. I don't know if I will financially be able to yet. If not I will live at

home and stay with my family. At the end of my second year, I plan on earning my AA


My third year of college I hope to be at CSU Stanislaus. Here I will start my more

career-based classes. These classes will prepare me for the wonderful life of an

elementary school teacher. I hope to be working more and making more money. If I

have not moved out already, this is when I plan to start thinking about this. I love to be

prepared and I don't want to rush the process. I want to move out on my own. I hope to

be financially stable to do so, and if I am not I will try to find a really reliable roommate.
My fourth year out of high school I hope to be on track to earn my Bachelors

Degree. I hope to be working and doing everything I need to be to set my life up for after

college. At the end of my fourth year of college, I hope to have earned my Bachelors

Degree in liberal studies. I plan to be working and I hope to still be really involved with

my family.

My fifth Year out of High school I hope to be taking the classes to earn my

teaching credentials. I hope to be moved out of my parents’ house and living on my

own. I will be substituting in school to build my experience some more.

At the end of these five years, I hope to be an elementary school teacher. I would

love to stay close to my family here in Merced and to teach at a school I have attended.

I want to do this to really give back to my community. I hope to be a strong independent

woman who lives on her own with a car and a home. I hope to be stable. I want to be

able to travel the world. I want to go to places like Greece and Africa. I want to start a

family around the age of 28. By the time these next 5 years are over I hope to be happy

and ready to really start my life.

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