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Pride Sample

So I know most people when told to write about something they are proud of, they write

about things like learning to drive or things they have earned. I, on the other hand, am very

proud of the person I have become. I am even prouder of the person I am becoming. During my

life, I have experienced things most 17-year-olds haven't. With my experiences, I have taken the

life lessons and turned my life around. From a very young age, I knew I wanted to be better and

have better.

Growing up I didn't have the greatest experiences or home life. My birth mother put me

in situations that most children should not be in. As a child, I didn't notice how bad the

situations were because that is all I had ever known. Growing up my future was never on my

mind. I was never told to go to school, I was never asked what college I wanted to go to and no

one ever expected me to make something of myself let alone graduate high school. I was

expected to be like my mother.

Up until the summer of freshman year, I had gone most of my life without a real mature

adult figure in my life. I had some of the worst influences around me and I had been living with

different people every other month. Then when summer came around I had stayed the night

with my younger cousins and my Aunt and Uncle had made the decision to take me into their

home and raise me as their own. That is when I really made up my decision to really turn my life


I completely changed my life. I stopped smoking and drinking, I also stopped running

around with my friends and doing bad things. I made the choice to start going to school every

day and became a better student. I started to really believe that I had a better future ahead of

me. With this new hope I had in my heart I started to set goals short term and long term. My
biggest goal in my life is to be the best person I can be. For the last 3 years that is exactly what I

have been doing.

About two years ago My birth mother had a baby. At the time I was sadder than anything

because I knew what this poor innocent baby was going to have to go through and put up with

for his whole life. I was really mad because being 16, I couldn't do anything about it to help my

baby brother. With my birth mother being out of state it made things even harder. When he was

6 months old, My birth mother had lied and given me this whole story about how bad her

situation was, and how worried she was for the baby, I immediately bought her a train ticket. If it

wasn't for her having my baby brother I would have not given it any of my attention. At this time

Jayden was about 5 months old. And when my birthmother had been hospitalized for her drug

abuse my parents had made another life-changing decision. They decided to adopt my baby


Jayden is now 2 years old and he is one of the biggest blessings in my life. With the age

difference between me and him, I sometimes feel very motherly over him. Jayden motivates me

to be even better then what I had imagined before. I want to be great in life to set the best

example for him I want Jayden to have great influences and very supportive people in his life.

Because of my parents, the ones who chose to have me, giving me the motivation and

support I needed to get my life together I will become something and Jayden will also. I am

being the best person I can be and continue to constantly grow and I am extremely proud of


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