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To start this off I haven’t earned an award in High School, the last award I have earned was in

middle school my sixth grade year. I was on “A” honor roll, and on January 11, 2013 is when I

earned the award and it meant a lot to me because I was never really smart in some subjects, like

math was very hard for me because I didn’t get it. I had straight A’s and to be honest I didn’t

know because my dad is the only one that had access to my Aeries account but when I got my

award I was shocked! I seen my grandparents, uncle, and my dad sitting there clapping and

smiling because of how excited they were for me. I was hoping to eventually get an award in my

later years of school but I was never involved in anything the rest of middle school or high

school. Now that I’m writing this paper I wish I was more involved because I won’t have

anything to show my kids. I’m thankful for earning at least that award so I can be happy for

something. I’ve never been the smartest but I do put all of my effort into what I do. I’m hoping

when I go to college I can get more awards on my work and the effort I put in. This award is

important to me because I worked hard for it, I did everything and anything to get good grades.

To top it I had A’s in every class I had, language arts was my favorite subject but I didn’t know I

had an A in there. I had to turn in every assignment and get it fully done to earn those grades and

I’m honestly surprised I did because I used to think I wasn’t able to do it.

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