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2015-2019 have been some of the most growthful years of my life.

With the first

glance at my transcripts that may not be the first thing you see. When looking at my

transcripts The first thing you tend to notice is the grades. Through my whole high

school experience, I have only received one F and one D. The learning in high school

was never the hard part for me.

I started my freshman year off in foster care and because of that, I had attended

Mariposa high for one semester. During my time in Mariposa, I wasn't focused on

school. Being home with my family was my priority. Academically I wasn't struggling,

Just staying focused was a major difficulty I had.

A little after my first semester of high school I was taken home to my mother,

which was not the best thing for me. I did not go to school and I had a lot of personal

things going on at home and school was the last of my worries.

In the summer of 2016, I was adopted by my aunt and uncle. Being in their care I

turned my life around and I set goals that I knew I had to achieve if I ever wanted to be

the women I wanted to be. So I started school again. Because of my lack of credits, the

counselor at Merced high school decided, it would be best if I attended Sequoia high

(continuation school).

At Sequoia I learned so much about my self and who I did not want to become. I

struggled A little in the beginning But the teachers there worked with me they took their

time with me and because of them putting their time and effort into me, I made up all the

credits I needed in one year.

Because of all the support from my teachers and family, I got to finish my last two

years of high school at Merced High. I am human and there are things in school I

struggle with like; Math, science, and history being some of them. But I always try my

best and I think my transcripts really represent that.

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