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In order for any kind of socialist revolution to occur, first there must be a

change in education. Education must be turned towards the teaching of those skills
which one would need to sustain themselves physically and emotionally. However, it
can not be totally streamlined. Variation is important, equality is impossible to
achieve in this way because what one needs another does note and vice versa, so to
give the same to all and say we have done them justice is a lazy lie.
And the mindset of those looking to communism for an answer to their struggles must
not look upon the bourgeousie as the epitomy of what they wish for themselves. This
requires teachings of self-accountability and how to empower oneself through
creation and a well-rounded understanding of the many facets of the world rather
than through the ease of acquired monetary wealth. Wealth should in itself come to
embody a more spiritual and practical idea, in which it can come from personal
growth, creation and the use of things that have been bought with money throughout

Modern industry has certainly given us awe-inspiring innovation as it created

competition. However, it is also important to teach that internal competition, that
is a need to grow and create better than yourself did previously should be the main
form of competition, rather than a greed for money.

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