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Wendy Puente

Advisory: Enciso

Final Draft

My first interdisciplinary project was about Human Immunodeficiency Virus also known

as HIV. We worked on this assignment as a group and collaborated in school and at home. We

did research in order to provide examples of symptoms and treatments also with reliable sources

that provided statistics on HIV. We also made a plan to inform the community about how we can

prevent the virus of HIV. We presented the findings during our eleventh grade IDP

Interdisciplinary Project on December 2015 to the teachers, panelists, and parents. This

assignment fits the problem solving category because we had to plan a call to action. We had the

option to do a flyer in which it provided information on how it affects the community and what

we can do to prevent it. We provided information in order to increase the awareness and

knowledge of the contagious virus by passing out red ribbons for awareness which we passed out

after we were done with the presentation to the panelists.

My second interdisciplinary project was about depression. For this assignment we

collaborated at home and at school.. It was done by May of 2017 and we also had to present the

information found to panelist, teachers and parents .What we were asked to do was research

information about depression, some information we searched for was the definition, signs and

symptoms, treatment, risk factors, how it can affect our community we also had to research

statistics on depression. We had to make a book that kids from elementary would be able to

understand.This assignment fits the problem solving category because it makes us teenagers

aware of what is going on and that way we can let not only adults know but, also smaller

children know what is going on and little by little we solve the problem.
The student learning outcomes I met in the interdisciplinary project were being an

effective communicator and critical thinker. Some specific examples of how the interdisciplinary

project demonstrates proof of using the student learning outcomes were by discussing with my

group the topic and sharing our information with one another which gives proof of being an

effective communicator. Also by working as a team to complete the powerpoint in order to

present it and dividing the work so we could all cooperate in completing the assignment. I was

also an effective communicator by presenting and practicing how to speak in front of the

panelists in order to provide information about the virus. An example of critical thinker is doing

research and putting the information I get in my own words as well as understanding the

information in order to explain it thoroughly and well enough for the audience to be able to

understand my written work.

The interdisciplinary projects, three areas of growth I saw within myself by improving

how to be able to control my nerves in order to present in front of the panel because in the first

interdisciplinary project I was really nervous and cried. In the second one I was able to control

my nerves and give a better presentation.The second growth was being more confident in the

second interdisciplinary project because I had already been through one and knew what it was

going to be like. The third growth was overall having better presentation skills for example, I

was able to give more eye contact and was able to explain things better and answer my questions

from the panelists. Some areas I still need to improve on is pacing my words because when I get

nervous I tend to talk faster. The way I can use the skills I learned is having better presentation

skills in college. The practice will improve my presentations in college courses . The

interdisciplinary projects will help me so I can be more confident and can improve my

presentations skills.

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