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Kenzie Stokes

Jackie Burr, Instructor

English 2010, Section 3

17 March 2019

Corporate Presence

There are lots of posters in the counseling center promoting jobs for teenagers. There are

fliers for Boondocks, McDonalds, and so many other restaurants and retail stores. In the library

there were posters promoting an app to help kids better learn about the library. There are also

many posters of colleges all over campus. There are also lots of posters encouraging students to

join the U.S. Military. They military even sets up a booth once a week to talk and hang out fliers

to the students.

I think the most present corporations are the colleges. This makes sense because after

high school kids will go off to a college of their choice. The more a certain college promotes

themselves the more kids will notice and decide to go there.

I think the ones that affect me the most are the college posters. Choosing a college has

been very important to me. I want to make sure I choose the college that will benefit me the best,

seeing posters and scholarship amounts to these schools has helped me choose the best college

for me. The other one that stands out the most to me is the Military booth. I think it is very

interesting how they always come to the school to try and convince students to sign up and join

the army after high school.

I would like to know more about the posters in the library. I want to know if the company

behind the posters is helping fund the library of of the librarians think it is a good and helpful

app for students.

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