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Pride sample


1. In the first picture, I am sitting with my Great-Grandparents
at my cousins wedding. I grew up with them all of my life
until they both passed away in 2015. They taught me
respect and love. Without having them in my life for 14
years, I wouldn't understand what success was. My papa
fought in WW2 and my granny was a Special ed teacher.
2. In the second picture is a picture of my and my mom.
Without her, I would not be where I am today. She saved me
from some really tough situations I wouldn't have been able
to get out of alone. My mom has always been my number
one role model because despite the fact of her and my
father divorcing, she was always still a really great mother
no matter how hard times got. She is a Dental instructor at
Milan Institute and she works really hard every day just to
make sure I have what I need.
3. In the third picture is me genuinely happy with my life. I
have been through a lot in these past few years. I struggled
with depression and an eating disorder. I was so unhappy
with myself and I felt like the world was against me. I didn't
understand why life was happening the way it was
happening at the time. I soon started going to church and I
gained a strong relationship with God. Soon after that, I
slowly began to become happy. Although I do still struggle
with an eating disorder, I am trying my hardest to break it
and life has gotten much easier for myself.

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