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Krystal Meza

12 Grade Best Work

My 12 grade best work I decided to put in my portfolio was a group

assignment I did in my english class. This was a powerpoint we had to do
talking about the strike that occurred the beginning of the school year.

My group and I actually had to go around the school and interview anyone
who was for or against the strike including teachers. We actually came to
the realization that many more were for it and a less were against it, but we
still managed to find a person or two that were against. There was also
some facts about the strike talking about other schools and how it affected
us and the whole district.

This assignment also brought me closer to my group members , because at

first I didn't even know some of their names but we all ended up becoming
friends and bonding.

We had 7 slides in total and we had to work on a essay for it but in article
form that was included on the last page. The reason why I chose this as my
best work assignment is because it was very well put together by my group
and I. And this taught me so much more about the situation and how
historical it was.

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