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Pride Sample

One Accomplishment/ Award i've received was getting 1st place in my Life Event

Planning event for FCCLA. Family, Career and Community Leaders of America is a student run

organization that helps kids through grade 12 compete in Family Consumer Science events and

be apart of a family. Through being in cooking classes since my freshman year, I decided I

wanted to compete in a cooking competition that FCCLA had offered in Culinary Arts, I was in a

team of three people and we worked countless weekends from about November- February

learning and practicing a recipe of an appetizer, entre, and dessert that had to be completed in

and hour time and presented to judges based on taste and appearance.

During the last month of our practice one of my teammates decided that she couldn't pull

through and show up to practices and removed herself from our team so now we had one less

hand to help in the kitchen. Regional competition came up on February 18th and it was intense

and very stressful with one less hand than we needed but we pulled through with our dishes and

presented what we had made with our heads held high because we both knew we all did what we

could. Awards were a few hours after the competition so we ate lunch and then went to the

ceremony; We were one of the first categories to be presented with our awards. The announcer

was awarding third place, Nope not us.. Then second, again nope.. First place goes to… Merced

High School.

In that moment a weight was lifted off my shoulders, Finally all the hard work we

had put in paid off and we qualified to compete at the State level in a competition in

Fresno during that late April. This specific accomplishment means a lot to me because it

was a moment in which I finally felt all my hard work had paid off and if I set my mind
to something I can accomplish it and all I can do is hope to be content with myself and

what work I make. I done necessary think this only applies to the award but I believe in

life if I continue to push myself to produce the best work I can and be content with

myself it will all pay off in the end.

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