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Transcript/ Attendance Reflection

I do believe that my attendance record and transcripts are a true reflection of my

capabilities. The only exception to this statement would be my freshman year biology grade, I

didn't ever truly comprehend biology to the fullest my freshman year. I try to show up to school

as much as I possibly can because I have found that if I miss school, missing one day at school is

the equivalent to three days work that I have to make up afterwards. I believe my freshman year

was my worst and probably least accurate representation of me because I did have a D in biology

throughout both semesters and I felt as if sciences aren't my strong points because the following

year I received a C I believe in chemistry.

My attendance for this year as im writing this letter is at a percentage of 95.1% in the Fall

it was 95.2% and now in the Spring is 95.0% with only one truancy in the past year, and I

believe only 2-3 at most in my Freshman- Junior years. My parents have always taught me that

getting an education isn't to be thrown to the side and I should always reach for opportunities to

further my education in certain things: For example this year I decided to further my language

and I took Spanish 3 Honors which is expanding my knowledge on reading and writing in

Spanish. During my Junior year I decided to take Forensic Science as an elective because

criminal psychology and things in the forensic field really interest me and I wanted to further my

education in that. I've received good grades either and A or B in each of those classes when I

took them.

I am a very determined and capable person and I work hard and have worked hard to get

to where I am today and I believe that my attendance and my grades reflect the hard working and

motivated person that I am. I have had good grades and attendance since grade school and it has
continued through my high school career and I think it will translate to my college years as well.

I will continue to be hard working, motivated, and dedicated to my attendance and grades which

will continue to help me grow and continue to be a good student.

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