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ENG 112

Issue Report

Andrew Dodson

Topic: I will be discussing the causes of obesity, The culture that we have in America regarding it, and
preventative measures that can be taken to help people live longer healthier lives.

Introduction: Obesity in our country has grown to be a huge problem and is a slow, silent killer of the
people that we care about. Over 70 percent of the U.S. population is considered obese and over have of
those people are Morbidly Obese meaning that they are so overweight that death is imminent because
of the decline in health the obesity will cause. There are many measures to be taken that will help
prevent obesity in our country.

Topic 1. Facts and statistics that show that the majority of Americans are at unhealthy body weights and
do not know how to have proper nutrition in their everyday lives.

Topic 2: The culture that surrounds obesity to include the Fat Acceptance movement that is pushed right
now and the hijacking of the body positivity movement from being about people who have lost limbs to
being about those individuals who choose to be in a state of obesity.

Topic 3: Child obesity and how we can better educate our children about better nutrition and health .

Topic 4: Creating a new culture of nutrition. How we can start thinking of food as fuel for the body and
not just something that tastes good but slowly kills us.

Conclusion: Through better education given to adults and children about exercise and nutrition, we can
begin to see changes in our health, our happiness, and our quality of life through Obesity Prevention.
We can change the future of those that come after us by being a better example of health and fitness.

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