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Ethan A.


Ap Lit

May 10, 2019

What can I feel proud of?

The first thing that jumps to my mine when someone asks me the question “What can I

feel proud of” is probably the first thing in my life I was ever proud of. That being the very first

picture I had brought home to my ma and pops when I was in kindergarten. It was quite the

complex piece of art I would say the defined feature of the circle colored blobs added to the

complete subject as a whole. But for reals if I was to say I proud of anything in this 4 year long

career I called high school then it would have to either have to do with my wrestling time, my

strive for higher education, community service, or possibly the extracurriculars that I waited till

senior year to try, sadly. That or maybe my weird obsession of strange thing like banjo,

whittling, or the color maroon.

So for my wrestling I’d say that yeah I have a lot of pride for what I gave to the sport.

The blood, sweat, and tears, the hours of dedication to get better and the hours of waking up

much too early. Yes, the times I climbed the brackets of tournaments only to touch the face of

glory and or fail and fall behind. But I haven’t done that in about two years I couldn’t let my

entire high school time be this even if it was I half I would not feel right. Then goes my

academics. I have taken quite a few Ap classes and extra learning classes. Oh and let me not let
you forget that I am actually certified in microsoft word. This I got in my sophomore year I do

believe. The class gave me a skill I am proud of as well that being my ability to type. It really

has come in handy with all the classes so i’m proud of the teacher that gave me this ability.

It’s really depressing I can’t remember his name. Yet, I can't forget Ms.chiesa she gave me one

hell of a skill, pardon my french. She bestowed upon me a way to convey my emotions and

inner thoughts into a slightly coherent essay. Emphasis on slightly.

No that doesn’t fit the most thing I proud of in my teenage life. Possibly the fact I did

band this year. I had a lot of friends in band over the years, I felt like they were relaxed

individuals and just people who I could click with. So when I got the idea rattling in my brain to

join them the first thought was how can I actually join this if i’m not able to read music or even

play and instrument. I then remembered delainey one time telling about percussion and I was like

this can’t be that difficult it is just hitting a drum. Oh there is no way I could have been more

wrong. It took hours of practice on multiple days just to learn the easiest instrument that being

the wrack, It had symbols, drums, and wind chimes. But no I didn’t push myself hard enough.

My final gauntlet would have to be the play I decided to play the lead role in with no

acting experience. I never gave that much thought to how much I would have to do to prep for

this show, I just was like this can’t be that hard. Then when I first got the script and had to

highlight my lines I realized that I was in every scene and had huge chunks of dialogue and

basically had my own scene to myself and my magnificent co star Sam Strobel. I had to dedicate

myself to reading and experiencing the play. I immersed myself into the character just to help me

remember my lines. The rehearsals were everyday after school so there was not much I could do

other than study the lines and since I was such an integral part of the play I had to attend every
single rehearsal. All of these culminated into a wonderful performance on the first weekend of

May with my amazing cast mates who gave it their all to provide the best experience they could.

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