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Alisha Kozin

18 Huntsman Dr Garnet Valley Pa 19060

Mrs Perry
552 Smithbridge Rd, Glen Mills PA 19342

Dear Mrs Perry,

I have came a long way struggling to decide what I want to do with my life outside of high
school and the next step into college. I have always enjoyed children and being around them. I have a few
younger cousins I grew up with and one right now who is 5; I always loved going up to my grandmas to
see them. Naviance results also help me see what other jobs are there but the most related ones that came
up were teaching, nurses, or counseling with kids. I took thought about the teaching and the nursing jobs.
I have many babysitting jobs as an occasional night sitter and 2 steady jobs every week/weekend. After
schools Tuesday and Wednesday and Saturday during the day. Last month I just got a job at Chester
Bethel Preschool. This made me realize how I want to continue to work with kids when I am older.
All throughout high school I took classes related to kids. I took child development freshman
year, preschool lab 1 sophomore year, preschool lab 2 this year, and next year I plan on taking field
experience. I loved doing all of these classes but my favorite was preschool lab. I loved preschool lab 2
because you take control of the class and make lesson plans. I enjoy seeing the kid you pick to see grow
smarter and as a person and helping them. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays are my favorite days
because that’s when they come. I love having a connection with a kid because they look up to you and
come to you for anything. I am still looking in which specific job I want to be but I definitely want to be
with kids. My top two jobs I am looking at are being a pediatric nurse or a teacher but mostly leaning
towards pediatric nurse. I see myself being nervous when I first start any of those two jobs but I see
myself getting comfortable with it and loving it so much. In ten years, when I have the job as a pediatric
nurse, I see myself living my best life. I love seeing all the kids and if there sad because there sick or in
the hospital and get nervous, I love to help them be happy and see there expressions. I see myself loving
my job and never wanting to go home. I personally think I could succeed with this job if I like it as
much as I imagine. A perfect job is a job that you enjoy doing and I think this would be my perfect job.
I would find being a pediatric nurse a potential career for me. I can still look into other jobs as a
backup plan but I feel like this job is for me.

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